• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Keywords & Descriptions Missing



We have been adding kw's and descriptions to better optimize our pages but often find that after an editing session they get deleted.

Please advise on how to prevent this from occurring in the future.
No, I use Firefox. But note that data does save and shows in source code after publishing. It got deleted when additional editing was done at a different time...although client that owns website may have been in the editor and may use IE. Either way, regardless of browser, this should definitely not happen since a lot of work goes into selecting the correct SEO information and we rely on this being stable for the major SE's to find and index us.
Do you use the latest 3.0.2 update? I tried following on my server.

* Created new site in Sitebuilder Wizard

* On Edit step added 'Page keywords' and
'Page description'

* Saved all changed and published the site

On published site I can see that my changes are saved in source code of the page/. Following meta tags were added:

<meta name="DESCRIPTION".....
<meta name="KEYWORDS"......

These notes should not be visible on the page itself.

After that I turned back to the Wizard and can see that text is also available on Edit step. So nothing have disappeared.
Please go back to Pages and MOVE the page you put the kw's on to a sub page position under another prime page....then look.

If still there, then move page again back to prime page position...look again to see if kw's are still there.

Then move page up or down in site map hiarchy...then look again.

These are the steps we took and after found them missing.

I do know that we have also lost all page content when we move from sub-page to prime position and then move up or down.
Yeap, I was able to reproduce described situation. It seems issue really persist.
I have already passed it to developers team. Thank you for your feedback.
No, only keywords and description.
If you can repeat content deletion please could you give me step-by-step instruction how to do that?
It occurred when we move a sub page left to prime position, then up in the site map hiarchy and back to a different sub position.

Separately, when ever we move or add a new page, all in-site page links shift and have to be delinked and reset. This is because SB is renumbering the pages.

For instance, if I set a page link and it goes to page 8, then add a new pagelower than 8, the original page 8 is now page 9, but the link is still set to go to page 8 which is a differnt page than the original intended page.

This is a bad flaw that you really should get the dev team to fix asap.

I would highly recommend that you get to the point where pages are named instead of numbered i.e. www.domain.com/page-name.php

This will also greatly help with SEO since a page name should also be the primary keyword of that page.
Originally posted by Roger_Ramjet
It occurred when we move a sub page left to prime position, then up in the site map hiarchy and back to a different sub position.

I could not reproduce this situation on my server. Probably I missed something. If it is possible could you please just give me step-by-step instructions. I tried to play with pages order but could not reproduce the issue.

For instance, if I set a page link and it goes to page 8, then add a new pagelower than 8, the original page 8 is now page 9, but the link is still set to go to page 8 which is a differnt page than the original intended page.

This is a bad flaw that you really should get the dev team to fix asap.

I would highly recommend that you get to the point where pages are named instead of numbered i.e. www.domain.com/page-name.php

This will also greatly help with SEO since a page name should also be the primary keyword of that page.

I could reproduce this situation and already passed it to developers. Thank you for your interest in this case.
Deletion of Keyword and Description Meta Tags

I just lost the meta tags keywords and descriptions on all 39 pages of my site because I moved one of the pages up by 1 position in the link order. The SiteBuilder software not only deleted the keywords and description for the page that was moved but deleted the keywords and descriptions for all pages in the site. I tooks days to do all the work of creating and entering the optimized meta tags and it was all wiped out in an instant by changing the order of one page in the site.

I have now done a few tests, and it seems like anytime the order of any page gets changed, all keywords and description meta tags get completely wiped out from all pages. How can we sell this SiteBuilder to clients if it has such a serious flaw? Meta tags are important to all Sitebuilder users. This type of issue will cause us to get a bad reputation with customers purchasing our services.

Has a patch or fix that corrects this problem for SB version 3.0 been released since you were notified of the issue back in March 2007? I could not find any on the SWSoft.com site.

Has the problem been corrected in version 4.0 of the SiteBuilder?