"...With the latest Extension release, will this work within Plesk now then? i.e. Multi-domain *wildcard Let's Encrypt certifcates complete with autorenewal?" The big difference being
Multi-domain in this case, not *wildcard. In the specific case we're referring too, all of the domains also have subdomains too, meaning that the certificate is actually a Multi-domain/subdomain
*wildcard Let's Encrypt certifcate. We asked that ^^ question, because, we can't see how a Multi-domain/subdomain
*wildcard Let's Encrypt certifcate can be generated, when only using the Plesk Extension (currently anyway). If we just haven't looked properly

then sorry, but if it really is 'not possible' to do this (yet), then by default, there can be no autorenewals in this specific case either, as there's never been an original certificate. If this is all correct, does the Plesk Extension future road-map include the multi-domain option? The Plesk Let's Encrypt Extension appears (understandably) to process just one domain at a time... albeit with autorenewal that now also covers *wildcard certificates (if they used)