• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Question Plesk dumps clients?


New Pleskian
What's going on at PLESK?

  1. Plesk AEND desk refuses to connect, Hence I can't submit any support ticket anymore
  2. Plesk refuses to accept direct mail send to their support email address
  3. Plesk does not accept to answer an old ticket
  4. Even here, trying to register, I need to go through dozens of stupid Google Captcha sessions and after hours I finally could get in to post my frustration.
Will PLESK dump me now here, too?
Shall I clear my server out and move before Plesk dumps me there, too?

Yes, I am pi**ed off.
I see.
You don't want to accept this neither.
Well then, looks like it's really time for me to move on and to someone who wants to render a service for the money.
It's all good, you can keep dumping me.
I was actually hoping PLESK gives me an answer in here.
PLESK DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO CONTACT THEM TROUGH, ...what THEY say is the OFFICIAL SUPPORT line. Hence, I lost any and all (Only one anyway, which is pathetic enough) way to communicate with PLESK.

This is outrages, absolutely despicable and I will NOT tolerate such arrogant, reckless and "Intentionally harming" business practices from Plesk.
What's going on at PLESK?

  1. Plesk AEND desk refuses to connect, Hence I can't submit any support ticket anymore
  2. Plesk refuses to accept direct mail send to their support email address
  3. Plesk does not accept to answer an old ticket
  4. Even here, trying to register, I need to go through dozens of stupid Google Captcha sessions and after hours I finally could get in to post my frustration.
Will PLESK dump me now here, too?
Shall I clear my server out and move before Plesk dumps me there, too?

Yes, I am pi**ed off.
We don't work for Plesk, don't get paid commision by Plesk and often, don't agree or question some Plesk policy / product decisions, but, FWIW:

With regard to your points above:

1. We have no connection issues (never have had) and can submit tickets​
2. Not in our case - Ever​
3. Not in our case - Ever​
4. Not in our case - Ever. It's two-factor authentication (by choice), hence secure and very easy​
You're obvioulsy angry, due to your current lack of access to Plesk, but is there a technical query that you haven't had chance to post yet?
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We don't work for Plesk, don't get paid commision by Plesk and often, don't agree or question some Plesk policy / product decisions, but, FWIW:

With regard to your points above:

1. We have no connection issues (never have had) and can submit tickets​
2. Not in our case - Ever​
3. Not in our case - Ever​
4. Not in our case - Ever. It's two-factor authentication (by choice), hence secure and very easy​
You're obvioulsy angry, due to your current lack of access to Plesk, but is there a techical query that you haven't had chance to post yet?
Yes of course I am angry because there is so much more to it.
Take no personal offence but this posts are directly directed towards some people who actually work there, in the hope they will take responsibility for their reckless practices.

Technical query.

Let's start with one "Directly" to do with PLESK< as well.

Every time they "Update" Plesk, without my approval though (I told them already NOT to update because every time they do, I don't know what and how they manage to do that, but they mess everything up. DATABASE access, most of all my databases are now inaccessible, AGAIN. They just decide that the formerly WORKING password shall now become - just like that (must make PLESK feel really very powerful and atop of God) ...Invalid.

Magic, indeed. Better than Harry Potter, that's for sure.

- - -

Now let's move on to something else.

SMTP connection to server to be able to retrieve and send email through the server.

Strangely, on my local computer (I am mainly working on a Macbook Pro) I use Mac's one local mail-client called 'Mail' (same as Microsoft calls it Outlook, etc.) and have connected to several email addresses from several websites - And - I can retrieve mail from those email addresses, e.g. [email protected], as well as send mail from that email address, via SMTP.

On one of the websites hosted under PLESK, I use a shopping cart called 'Opencart'. The online shop has a contact form. I can configure two mail senders, [a] Mail (g'ol PHP mail) or SMTP.
Of course I'd like to use SMTP (for reasons you know yourself but main reason not being that easy considered spam because MAIL doesn't go through my server).
I follow exact the same setup like on my local machine.
I try different ports (should be, according to PLESK 587)
I try the prefix 'mail.' And 'smtp'
I even try it with all capital letters
I add ssl:// before: mail, MAIL, smtp, SMTP
I add tsl://befor the same.
I don't know what else I can try, every time I get a server connection error, refused to connect.

Well, Plesk refuses me to use their "Official Support" platform, too.

There's so much more to it, but these few shall be enough. Of course. I am angry, (that's not the first time, mind you). Wouldn't you, too, get angry?

Thanks for your patience with such an angry man like myself
Well, lucky you if you never had any of these issues but Do I face them.
  • Trying to login into the official Plesk help portal I get a "Zend" refused to connect message
  • Trying to respond to an old ticket (in my email), Plesk tells me I can't reopen old tickets unless I log into their official help portal (haha, tell that your ZEND connector police)
  • Trying to send a direct mail to support@... it bounces, telling me again to log in to their support portal (Hello, artificially intelligent Plesk, you gotta allow me to connect to it, first. Makes sense in your artificial Plesk brain?)
When I registered for this portal, seriously, I was presented a dozen and more times with captcha challenges. That game is fun (they should try to capitalise on that ****). I spent ten minutes or so playing this stupid game.

That's all I can say from my side. I don't know whether or not I shall feel sorry for you on being deprived of all that Plesk Fun. Hm, ...better not I'd say!? Because, trust me, it actually is No Fun at all so don't get jealous ;-).

Plesk got some incredibly good people working for them but Plesk's leadership sucks to the sky and beyond. I moved from cPanel to Plesk, giving it a go because so many people always suggested it to me. I now know, it was a big mistake. that's OK, though. Bigger mistake than that would be to stick with this arrogant leading team, which obviously, I won't make that mistake.
@Jujue The forum might not be a suitable place for ranting. Instead, maybe you could open a separate thread for each issue and simply describe what technical issue there is so that others can offer assistance.

Regarding the points you mentioned in this thread:

If you have not configured your system to auto-update it will not auto-update. If you have configured it to auto-update it will auto-update. It is that simple.

If you have trouble sending mail from your server, please look into your /var/log/maillog (or /var/log/mail.log) to see what is actually happening when you try to send an email.

Like @learning_curve I've also never had any issues with Plesk support or their platform. Maybe the frequent captchas you mention or the access blocking is happening because a security software on their servers detects that your local computer is sending odd data?
do Not tell me that you have never had a problem.

What are you implying? I make it all up? Is that what you want to say by telling me you never had a problem?
Well, then, keep your happiness to yourself because I am NOT happy and guess why, because I DO HAVE problems and trust me, I am not as stupid as you may imply or make it up.

And stupid replies like yours, well, then ALSO, do not complain when people rant upon.

Got no problem? Celebrate, stay happy, but it doesn't help to solve MY problem by YOU telling you got no!

Does that explanation have any room in your computer to perhaps work on?