• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.
  • The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
    Existing ImunifyAV installations will continue operating for three months, and after that will automatically be replaced with the new Imunify extension. We recommend that you manually replace any existing ImunifyAV installations with Imunify at your earliest convenience.

Question Plesk installation on Ubuntu 20.04

Just in case you are running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and want to avoid the situation described in post #3 above and... have not seen this article already; then VOTE here for the dist-upgrade option; Ubuntu 18.04 LTS > Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / Obsidian here: Upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and / or 20.04

Our own opinion... ;) is that if you're still running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, a dist-upgrade option for that is never, ever going to be provided by Plesk. It's always going to remain as "...use the new server / Plesk Migrator option" (post #3 above) regardless of any 'nice' answers that can be found elsewhere...
I'm running 1 Plesk server on Ubuntu 20 for a month now.

The only very strange thing I ran into was Ubuntu 20's security feature on one of my bash scripts.
The script runs as root and was unable to handle files that belonged to another owner and had no security attributes set for others.
On all Linux distro's thus far, root has access to everything.

Because I changed this behaviour after I discovered it, I have no idea if this is a problem for Plesk on a system that is not changed.
I don't think dist-upgrade is worth it.
  • Your hardware needs to be replaced anyhow
  • You will have down-time
  • You risk having a buggy or even non-working system afterward,
The only very strange thing I ran into was Ubuntu 20's security feature on one of my bash scripts.
The script runs as root and was unable to handle files that belonged to another owner and had no security attributes set for others.
On all Linux distro's thus far, root has access to everything.
Because I changed this behaviour after I discovered it, I have no idea if this is a problem for Plesk on a system that is not changed.
@mr-wolf The early comments (from others) on the Plesk dist-upgrade "guide" (not script) that is scheduled to arrive with Obsidian 18.0.31 are not very positive - so far. If that lack of user confidence continues, after it arrives and is used and/or, people do follow the guide, but then end up in a situation similar to the one in your last post above, then a new server / fresh install / migrate across etc would appear to be the only sensible option, even though the Plesk migration tool itself, is still not that well received - currently.

To assist anyody who does complete that process (and we may be one of them - not yet decided) this line is your post is already, almost self-explanatory:
The script runs as root and was unable to handle files that belonged to another owner and had no security attributes set for others.
but, if there's any other fine details in relation to this, that could be shared on here, that would be great for all other Ubuntu 20.04 / Plesk Obsidian users.
@mr-wolf The early comments (from others) on the Plesk dist-upgrade "guide" (not script) that is scheduled to arrive with Obsidian 18.0.31 are not very positive - so far. If that lack of user confidence continues, after it arrives and is used and/or, people do follow the guide, but then end up in a situation similar to the one in your last post above, then a new server / fresh install / migrate across etc would appear to be the only sensible option, even though the Plesk migration tool itself, is still not that well received - currently.

How can there be comments on a guide that is yet to be published?
Are there some previews available? If so: where?
Like I said, one of my servers is running production in 20.04

I had only a few difficulties, but none had anything to do with Plesk.
For my own WordFence harvesting script I had some difficulties to get the MySQL extensions to work in MariaDB because watchmouse killed his project in bitbucket.

With the files I had on other servers I was able to get it working.
There's still skion/mysql-udf-ipv6 but that is a preceding project.

The only thing needed was to get the extensions copied to another folder manually and add those functions there.

I don't think anyone else besides me is using that firewall script of mine
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There was another thing I bumped into in Ubuntu 20.
I have a local perl installation that I use for my Anti-Spam-Proxy.
Again this is not directly related to Plesk, but you may find this useful.

In a very distant past I used to update Perl on the server. This is NOT a good idea as Plesk uses (or used to use) Perl as well. I had some strange problems with my Plesk installation and in the end it turned out it was because of the updated Perl. Since then I don't mess with the Perl that's installed in /usr/bin/perl and I have my own Perl installed in /usr/local/bin/perl

# /usr/local/bin/perl -v | head -n2

This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 0 (v5.32.0) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi

# /usr/bin/perl -v | head -n2

This is perl 5, version 30, subversion 0 (v5.30.0) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi

Perl has currently a problem that it can't install the quite essential OpenSSL Net::SSLeay on Ubuntu 20.04
After searching for this installation problem I found a patch for it here:

I don't know if Plesk is still using Perl. I have no time to investigate this ;-)

I shouldn't have written that last sentence ;-)
Yes, it uses perl

# find /opt/psa -type f -size -10M -exec grep -l '/usr/bin/perl' {} \;
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FWIW in relation to previous mentions in this thread, having run the Obsidian Upgrade to 18.0.31, there doesn't appear to be any sign of the aforementioned dist-upgrade "guide" Ubuntu 18.04 LTS > Ubuntu 20.04 LTS whilst running Plesk, as mentioned near the very end here: Ubuntu 18.04 support in Plesk and again at the top here: Upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 and / or 20.04 Maybe it's been delayed (again) or it's been cancelled? No doubt the answer will arrive soon....