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Resolved Plesk Onyx keeps resetting permissions on a different drive


Regular Pleskian
Whenever a micro-update is automatically installed by Plesk Onyx, it is resetting permissions on a different drive.

I understand the goal (security) of forcing psaadm and psacln to be denied rights outside their respective tree, but I need to be able to store a large media repository on another drive and I need Plesk to stop reverting my permissions changes within the mapped folder (a virtual directory).

How do I prevent Plesk Onyx from breaking this?

I have already disabled permissions propagation to the folder and (repeatedly) removed the psacln & psaadm users from the folder. Is there an option somewhere to tell Plesk to leave *this* folder alone?
Customizing Disk Security

Article describes case, when you have some web hosting software installed and you want psacln be able to access this software.
In your case you want Plesk just ignored such folder. So you should create file %plesk_dir%\etc\DiskSecurity\mapped_drive.xml, for example, with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <Entry AccounType="1" Account="Psacln" Path="D:\MappedLocation" AceFlags="ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles" AccessMask="NoAccess" EntryFlags="0" />
    <Entry AccounType="1" Account="Psaadm" Path="D:\MappedLocation" AceFlags="ThisFolderSubfoldersAndFiles" AccessMask="NoAccess" EntryFlags="0" />

In this case Plesk understands that there shouldn't be any rules for psaadm and psacln for your specified location, deletes ACE rules for that folder and wouldn't touch your folder anymore. (probably your directory will be touched only first time after you have created such file).