I have reread the posting and found some mistakes. But as I see, they shall not hinder to understand my realization. As I had to end earlier as thought, I missed to correct some things and I did not write what the result is.
Result is generally spoken good, so without paying 'email experts' one can achieve that only every pair of days a spam appears in the inbox and no ham/false positive appears in the spam folder.. And the best is, no full trust in these 'dnsbl's is needed, as with spamassassin no email is blocked without informing someone.
Details (now since one week - spamassassin not to my wish perfect configured yet ... will take perhaps some weeks for testing new 'dnsbl's and fine adjustments ...):
usecase 1 (me): has many email addresses on several own domains for over a decade; trys to be always correct (useless subscripted emails never moved to spam but derigestered or simply deleted (else spamassassin will move many legitim emails to the spam folder); real spam moved to spam folder and learned by spamasssassin; on many mailing lists and registered many news letters (some because of a good reason I will not tell here are very old and do not even remember all places); has several account with intel, oracle, lenovo, ibm, affinity, maple, mathworks, matlab, several shops and much more
usecase 2 (account from another one where I am allowed to have full rights and I am their private sys admin): uses account conservatively (account on server newly, therefore spamassassin learned from spams only some years); registered address on some news letters and mailing lists; has some accounts in several shops
usecase 3 (account from another one where I am allowed to have full rights and I am their private sys admin): uses account very freely and has no fear to announce it publicly (account on server newly, too, therefore spamassassin learned from spams only some years); registered address on many news letters and maling lists; has several accounts (most of them not known by the user itself ...

... ok, is not tech affine and has a little aversity against these things, but trys to use them ...); I think address is posted in the clear net on several sites
usecase 1: round about after a pair of days a spam appears in inbox and no false positive in spam folder (although with all email accounts I get more about 80 spams on main address and about 120 spams all other addresses counted together, but most spam is filtered)
usecase 2: round about 1-2 spams per day (there are days with 3 and more spams, but also many days with 1 and some even with 0 spams)
usecase 3: round about 2-5 spams per day (here back again some days more and on some days less ... I think days with 0 spams I did not find yet ...)
Indeed usecase 3 is my little problem child yet, but the 'dnsbl' is not fully configured yet and surely more fine adjustments are needed. And perhaps some spam fighting technics are easily addable. Sadly the user itself is a little problem, too. Some spams in inbox have been learned as ham accidentaly, as user does not strictly sort out spam from inbox. This user thinks it should just work and does not try much to keep the inbox clean. But as this configuration type is relatively fresh, there is much hope, yet, that these problems will vanish or at least diminish significantly.
Now it is late and I have to go to sleep, so I hope this text has not too many mistakes which hinder to understand this post. If something is not understandable, then please ask me and I will try to explain it in another way.