Well, after installing the updates, I am seeing something else odd going on with spamassassin (I did purchase the module for it some time ago) and watchdog via two email messages:
[Wed, 28 Sep 2005 18:26:46 -0700] psa-spamassassin-light on somedomain.com: Exists.
'psa-spamassassin-light' process is running with pid 28820
[Wed, 28 Sep 2005 18:26:46 -0700] psa-spamassassin-full on somedomain.com: Exists.
'psa-spamassassin-full' process is running with pid 28796
Seems like it is telling me that these are running when I did not instruct it to do so... Turning off watchdog entirely again for now.