• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.
  • The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
    Existing ImunifyAV installations will continue operating for three months, and after that will automatically be replaced with the new Imunify extension. We recommend that you manually replace any existing ImunifyAV installations with Imunify at your earliest convenience.

Removing the Virtuozzo spam from Plesk's interface


if your checkbox for the newsfeeds, fotolia and virtuozzo is greyed out go to database psa and modify in the table "misc"

-> the entry "newsfeeds" to 'false'

-> the entry "promo_virtuozzo" to 'false'

-> the entry "promo_fotolia" to 'false'

Greetings from "The Spam-Free"
Originally posted by flosoft

I checked the table MISC. I can't find anything there. I use Plesk 8.1.1

Took a look at 5 different servers (some of our own and some of our clients) and in each table misc there are the entries i wrote above.

On which OS is your plesk installed ?
If it's other than suse, maybe the plesk for other os is installed in a different way.
Did you have a failed Plesk db upgrade sometime? You could try adding those entries to the psa database yourself.
I tried to do that, without any luck. I think it has something to do with the Licence key, that the setting of the publicity is managed with the licence key.
Anyone ever go to http://serverip/ and see the "Server Default Page" with some world news feed on the bottom?

What's up with that?!

I'm okay with the Virtuozzo in the top right, but this is just stupid.

The page is trying to connect to "http:// location.hostname + :8880/javascript/newsfeeds.js.php" and my APF doesn't allow that port so the page waits and times-out before loading anything.

I already have Hide Plesk news, Hide Virtuozzo promotion page, and Hide links to Fotolia site enabled, but that doesn't remove it.
Re: Remove Discover Virtuozzo from top bar

Originally posted by JoaoCorreia
I can't belive SW-SOFT insists on this ****, using our servers to advertise their products.

How to remove Discover Virtuozzo from top menu ?

Here you can do it for all skins.


If that link disappears here is the story:

As root, do the following:
grep -n virtuozzo__promotion_top </usr/local/psa/admin/plib/locales/en-US/messages_en-US.php

That will give you the line number for it

Then in this file:


Go to the line number you previously found end replace the shameless promotion text with an empty string.

The text, it's link and even the logo will be gone.

if someone like to hide a news in plesk panel:

edit: ~plesk dir~/admin/htdocs/skins/(skin name)/css/main/desktop.css

And add in end of file this lines:

#dBox-news_articles {
display: none;
they will remove them in the next update ...


YEAH RIGHT judging by your signature I assume you have seen how WRONG you were also?
9.3 and still no love

I've seen messages that this will be removed in an upcoming update, or the next version since I started with 8. Now I'm using 9.3 and I still have to look for hacks to get rid of this. Whats worse is that it looks like the placement of the ad has been buried even deeper within Plesk to make it harder to get rid of.

I know you need to make your money, and for unregistered server versions you're justified in having it there. But I've paid for my Plesk, I pay regularly for software updates, I pay extra for technical support. I'd really rather not run free ad's for Plesk on my administration pages.

Either FINALLY add an option to disable this, or at least publish some official instructions on how to do it manually !