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Issue SSL Certificate now showing in IIS


Basic Pleskian
Hi there,

On Onyx 17.0, I've set up a number of certificates under Tools & Settings --> SSL/TLS Certificates. How do I get those certificates to show up in the Certificate Management Console on the Server? I need to be able to use some of the certificates for applications that are installed on the IIS server. In Plesk 12.0, when I installed a certificate, I could assign those certificates to sites in IIS.

Plesk doesn't install certificate in system, if it is not used anywhere in Plesk. The same logic was in 12.0. So probably in 12.0 you have set this certificate to some domain? then Plesk will register this certificate in Certificates store, so you will see them in IIS as well.
Can you please try to set this certificate to some domain, and check if it appears in IIS after that?