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Question Verbs allowed by default in PHP

Duarte N

New Pleskian
Server operating system version
Windows Server 2022
Plesk version and microupdate number
Plesk Obsidian v18.0.55

We have noticed that some Wordpress sites have JSON errors because the php handler (created by Plesk) does not allow the "OPTIONS" verb (in IIS handlers mappings).

Verbs are defined in handler mappings at the website level created by Plesk.
In other words, we cannot define them in the root of IIS so that they can be inherited by websites, as in the SolidCP control panel for example.

Somewhere in Plesk, it has definitions of the verbs that are allowed when the website is created, because there is nothing that can be inherited from IIS:
IIS does not have any PHP configuration in the root.
The "PHP-php" handler for the "*.php" file only exists on the website created by Plesk.

Does anyone know how I can get the verb "OPTIONS", in addition to the verbs "GET,HEAD,POST", to be allowed when creating the website?
This is important because around 40% of websites on the Internet are Wordpress and an anomaly occurs in IIS that causes the error: "The response is not a valid JSON response".

This article addresses one of the scenarios in which this happens:

In shared hosting, the ideal is to activate this function by default when creating the website, to avoid unnecessary support requests.