• The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.


  1. S

    Resolved resources monitor for individual domains

    Plesk version: Plesk Onyx 17.0.17 Update #29 Is it possible to limit and monitor resources for individual domains? Noticed some domains are using more resources than other domains and causes my server resources to be depleted. I want to limit each individual domain if possible? Does Plesk have...
  2. Oliver Marugg

    Question Watchdog to external M/MOnit

    Hi As a simple server monitoring system for *X several remote servers and VMs we use monit and its payable collector M/Monit, both work great. Plesk Onyx uses watchdog which is monit based. In /opt/psa/etc/modules/watchdog/monitrc every service and system is configured for watchdog as a local...
  3. S

    Resolved File not found. on PHP-FPM status page!

    Hi Plesk Community, I am following the following Plesk tutorial: How to monitor PHP-FPM instances. In my www.conf I uncommented "pm.status_path = /status" and the http://serverip/status seems to work. (response code 200). But the page says: File not found. What am I doing wrong? My nginx...
  4. S

    Question Zabbix on a Plesk Server

    Hi there... I was wondering if it is possible to install the latest zabbix server with its web front-end on a Centos7 Server with Plesk Onyx without breaking the server config. My worry is that the web frontend installation messes with the Plesk configuration and nothing is going to work...