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  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.


  1. Oliver Marugg

    Question Watchdog to external M/MOnit

    Hi As a simple server monitoring system for *X several remote servers and VMs we use monit and its payable collector M/Monit, both work great. Plesk Onyx uses watchdog which is monit based. In /opt/psa/etc/modules/watchdog/monitrc every service and system is configured for watchdog as a local...
  2. S

    Resolved File not found. on PHP-FPM status page!

    Hi Plesk Community, I am following the following Plesk tutorial: How to monitor PHP-FPM instances. In my www.conf I uncommented "pm.status_path = /status" and the http://serverip/status seems to work. (response code 200). But the page says: File not found. What am I doing wrong? My nginx...
  3. S

    Question Zabbix on a Plesk Server

    Hi there... I was wondering if it is possible to install the latest zabbix server with its web front-end on a Centos7 Server with Plesk Onyx without breaking the server config. My worry is that the web frontend installation messes with the Plesk configuration and nothing is going to work...