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Backup task status error


New Pleskian

I recently upgraded to 11.x (currently running 11.0.9 update #10) and since then every morning I get four emails titled "Backup/Restore task notification" with a migration result attached. Although there are 4 emails, it is actually two emails repeated twice it seems.

The first email attachment starts with:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<execution-result status="error" log-location="/opt/psa/PMM/sessions/2012-08-30-030802.368/migration.result">
<message id="da739d3a-3ba7-4f0b-8f90-57c1c6cba545" severity="error" code="fatal">
<description>Runtime error</description>
<message id="64df8e3d-756c-4fb6-83e4-de4adcb43867" severity="error" code="ExportFailed">
<description>The dump have been made successfully but can not be imported to FTP due to errors.
The dump 'backup_info_1208300308.xml' have been leaved at repository '/opt/psa/PMM/tmp/backupB_FpJs'. Please export it manually</description>
<message id="871d0f0e-1a49-4db9-84f3-2602ec90b1ba" severity="error" code="FtpError">
<description>FTP: Can't create dir /vpsbackup/: /vpsbackup/: Permission denied

Then, the attachment continues:

<object name="keywee" type="mysql">
<message id="e0ad2465-d6ee-4755-83ce-64beff668dfd" severity="error" code="msgtext">
<description>Cannot delete temp file '/var/lib/psa/dumps/domains/landlordsguild.com/databases/keywee_1/backup_keywee_1_1208300308'</description>

which is repeated for each mysql database (so replace keywee above with each database name)

Clearly it's a permissions problem but I've tried changing ownership of the directory via terminal and a number of other things that I've seen on this forum but nothing stops the emails.

The backup is working fine, so my personal ftp has the backup each day (despite the error above). It seems unable to delete the temporary files but I can't figure out why?

Please note I'm a total beginner at this level of server settings so any help would be gratefully appreciated.

Many thanks

Seems you have defined /vpsbackup/ directory on FTP server for storing backups but this directory cannot be created by used ftp user. Have you tried it?

Thanks for your reply.

The /vpsbackup/ directory seems just fine. I have just double checked and all backups (including this mornings) are correctly in that directory on the ftp device.

I thought it was strange why the error states "Can't create dir /vpsbackup/: /vpsbackup/: Permission denied" because why state the directory twice.

I have removed the directory from the personal ftp settings in plesk to see if that helps (so now setting is blank). I wonder if when it imported from 10.x it retained that folder and now when entered in 11.x it's trying to add a subfolder of the same name?

Let's see in the morning if that helps.

Many thanks


Another day and another 4 emails! But, just like previously, the backup seems to be working to personal FTP so it's more of an irritation than a major problem.

Since removing the directory from the personal ftp settings as discussed above, the backup is still working in /vpsbackup/ folder on ftp but the error with the emails has now changed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<execution-result status="error" log-location="/opt/psa/PMM/sessions/2012-08-31-030801.692/migration.result">
<message id="577862dc-fb4f-404f-82ae-c5e61c97e67b" severity="error" code="fatal">
<description>Runtime error</description>
<message id="45d6a6b2-b6bc-4f6b-8c3c-3786dbda1e34" severity="error" code="ExportFailed">
<description>The dump have been made successfully but can not be imported to FTP due to errors.
The dump 'backup_info_1208310308.xml' have been leaved at repository '/opt/psa/PMM/tmp/backupoAE7Xn'. Please export it manually</description>
<message id="bb318d3e-8ae8-4fd4-8c09-44e890d7eb86" severity="error" code="FtpError">
<description>Can't upload file '/opt/psa/PMM/tmp/backupoAE7Xn/backup_info_1208310308.xml.tar' to ftp: backup_1208310308.tar: Operation not permitted

Despite the message, as I say, the backup appears to have worked.

The emails then continue (one for each mysql database):

<object name="keywee" type="mysql">
<message id="7ae7bdab-a866-4571-8b59-94d3e122d6c1" severity="error" code="msgtext">
<description>Cannot delete temp file '/var/lib/psa/dumps/domains/landlordsguild.com/databases/keywee_1/backup_keywee_1_1208310308'</description>

It seems therefore that the upgrade from 10 to 11 has "added to" my settings (because it remembers /vpsbackup/ folder despite now being blank) and has somewhere got messed up. I wonder if the mysql errors are somehow connected?

Any thoughts?

Many thanks

Looks like broken permission problem. I suggest you contact Support Team. They will find and fix it directly on your server.
Estimations: How big is each backup file dumped to the ftp respitory?

The whole backup on my personal FTP respitory is round figures 1GB.

Interestingly ... the folder "/opt/psa/PMM/tmp/" is empty so no backup file (despite what the message says).

Equally interesting, the file "/var/lib/psa/dumps/domains/landlordsguild.com/databases/keywee_1/backup_keywee_1_1208310308" doesn't exist. The last modified date of a file in that folder is 4 August 2012 (which I think will be about when I upgraded from memory). All the other database folders which are repeated in the email error are also empty.

Looks like broken permission problem. I suggest you contact Support Team. They will find and fix it directly on your server.

Great advice thanks. They have replied:

I am currently investigating the /usr/local/psa/PMM/sessions/2012-08-31-030801.692/psadump.log as this contains the error I have attached in a text file.

And then continues ...

It may be worth also adding this text file into the Parallels forum thread as well, as the Parallels technicians can be very helpful.

So guys, you have a reputation of being helpful to uphold!

I attach the log file mentioned.

If I may say I'm really grateful for all your help so thank you very much.

Many thanks



  • psadumplog.txt
    5.6 KB · Views: 4
1 GB is quite a small file esepecially if your server is quick to access. The log file does not indicate any reputable reason for the ftp backup not working as reported (despite the fact that it actually works).

Next to the reason I can think of is, after the transfer of your backup to the ftp server, your server does not receive a CLOSE / COMPLETE ftp command from the ftp server and as a result it then assumes that the transfer didn't complete.

This can be common if the connections to the ftp server is unstable or times out oftenly!

Since this is a common problem, I suggest Igor lets the engineers closely look at it ...

I have copied your reply to support and see what they think. My immediate reaction is to try a fresh install of plesk 11.x and see what happens but I will await the thoughts of support first.

Many thanks
