• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

can Plesk do this? (is it "safe" to move from cPanel to Plesk?)

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

So what I want is that all domains have the same document root. So there will be just 1 document root folder on the entire server.

Is it possible? Do I need to create 1 user and add all domains while being logged in as this user? Or can I create more than one user? And will each domain have its own mail-addresses?

Sorry for asking all these questions. I am using cPanel at this moment, but I want to start using Plesk. But I do need to know 100% sure if it is possible to have all domains pointing to 1 and the same document root.

Can you please give some more explanation how to do this?

1) yes, you can create few domains with share webroot under one Customer Plesk account. Different customer accounts can not share sites. You can create additional users which have access to these sites.
2) yes, you can create mailboxes for each domains.
Thanks again. I see that in your example blabla.com and demo.com have "httpdocs/" as their document root.

However, I read somewhere that the default document root of each domain is:


So, in your example what would be the document root for demo.com and blabla.com?
This is outdated info. Plesk 12 has next structure:
/var/www/vhosts/blabla.com/ <--- share webspace for main domain and addon domains
/var/www/vhosts/blabla.com/httpdocs/ <--- default web root for blabla.com and demo.com
/var/www/vhosts/blabla.com/far-far-away/ <--- default web root for smthng.com
Thank you. That sounds good.

I've got some other questions. I numbered them, so it's easier to reply.


>> /var/www/vhosts/blabla.com/ <--- share webspace for main domain and addon domains

Why is blabla.com the "main" webspace? Is it the first domain that was created under a certain user?

2) So if I want websites with the same document root, I create 1 user (Johanski)... then I create a domain, for example "www.foo.com". Then I set the document root for this domain to "private". If I understand correctly the document root is now:


Is this correct?

3) So now I want to add a new domain. I log in as user Johanski. I click "add new domain" and add website "www.bar.com". I set the document root to "private". Now the document root for "www.bar.com" is:


Is this correct?

4) I'm thinking of buying a subscription for 100 domains. Are www.foo.com and www.bar.com counted as 2 domains? Or as 1 domain (Because they are in the same webspace?)

5) Do both www.foo.com and www.bar.com have their own e-mail addresses? For example [email protected] and [email protected]?

6) Is it possible to create 1 admin user for www.foo.com and 1 admin user for www.bar.com who can login to Plesk, and who can manage the e-mail boxes but cannot do (or see) anything else? What I mean is... let's say www.foo.com belongs to company A. Now I want that 1 person within that company, for example John, can manage the company's e-mail addresses. Is it possible I create a login for John, so he can create and delete mailboxes?

7) Last question. Is it possible that www.foo.com and www.bar.com, although they are sharing the same webspace, have different settings? For example, can I say that www.foo.com gets (a maximum of) 5 mailboxes, while www.bar.com gets (a maximum) of 20 mailboxes? Or can I give www.foo.com 1GB of traffice per month and www.bar.com unlimited traffic?

I hope you can answer these questions. If they are all positive then Plesk 12 seems like the right solution for me. Thanks in advance for your reply!
1) Plesk has object 'subscription' ('webspace'). This is copy of hosting service in Plesk. Customer can has more than one subscription. One subscription can contains few domains which share FTP users, databases, and disk space. Subscription has limit to one IP (this restriction will be removed in future). 'Main' domain is first domain in subscription which created with subscription. All other domains have 'addon domain' type.
2) Yes, it's correct
3) Yes, it's correct
4) In provided example it will be counted as 2 domains
5) Yes
6) No. Plesk has only restriction on subscription level. All users under one subscription share all objects including addon domains.
7) No, it's subscription level settings.

I suppose you should use two subscriptions for each customer. But there are problem with shared webroot. Hmm.. I have idea to use 'event handler' feature and simple bash script. I will check it tomorrow and update thread.
>> I suppose you should use two subscriptions for each customer.

Why 2 subscriptions?

>> But there are problem with shared webroot.

Ideal situation. Each customer gets own subscription, with own e-mail, users and settings. Only problem... all document roots (web roots) must point to the same directory!

>> Hmm.. I have idea to use 'event handler' feature and simple bash script. I will check it tomorrow and update thread.

If that solves the problem it would be great...
I hope anyone can tell me if what I want is possible. I want to end my cPanel subscription, otherwise I'll have to pay for another month... So please can anyone tell me if what I want is possible?
As mentioned, Plesk have subscriptions - normal user under cPanel doesn't have that.

Lets have 3 domains for example:
1) domain1.com and domain2.com
2) domain3.com

If two domains are under same subscription, first one you add is basically MAIN domain as mentioned already and second one, domain2.com is new domain or Add-on domain if you want to call it in cPanel. Their folder structure is:
/var/www/vhosts/domain1.com/domain2.com (or if you want to set it under same directory, /var/www/vhosts/domain1.com/httpdocs) - as you can see same directory under /var/www/vhosts/domain1.com - same webspace

In other example, if you have domain3.com is separated subscription, it's web directory is /var/www/vhosts/domain3.com/httpdocs.

Thanks again. I see that in your example blabla.com and demo.com have "httpdocs/" as their document root.

However, I read somewhere that the default document root of each domain is:


So, in your example what would be the document root for demo.com and blabla.com?

As may figure it out by now, this is only half of the right answer. This sure is correct if you have e.g. 10 domains in 10 new subscriptions, but you can have those 10 domains in two or one subscription and then we come to my example 1). This structure in Plesk is already present from plesk 11.0.9 to 11.5.30, maybe even from Plesk 10 (not 100% sure though).

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, I'm running both cPanel / Plesk for years (didn't saw this thread before, bussy lately)
Thanks for replying MislavO!

Your explanation is very clear. There are some problems though. As Sergey mentioned... all users under the same subscription get the same "package" and that is not what I want. For example I want domain1.com to have unlimited traffic and domain2.com 10GB traffic. This means the domains can't share the same subscription. So I would like to give each domain its own settings, meaning that (if I understand correctly) in ideal circumstances each domain should have its own subscription. The only problem is that each domain will have a different document root then. And that's not what I want.

You must imagine that my current document root (besides the public content files) only contains one bootstrap-file: index.php

This index.php file transfers a request to a private folder on the server. From there each request is processed. That is why I want just 1 document root instead of hundreds of different document roots. What I want is that every domain, no matter which subscription, has got the same document root folder. Do you know if that is somehow possible in Plesk?

I hope to hear from you soon...
I understand your concern.

I really don't know to be honest. It could be possible, because it's apache and every domain/subscription will have it's vhost file where you could change document root - after that, since all users are in same group, chown everything to have group permissions and open_basedir to this folder - teoretically it could work. But then, what if users want to add something with file manager or do some actions through the Panel?

This couldn't be even possible with cPanel. This hosting panels are made for hosting purposes and what you had in mind is not possible. Thing is...you want to specify for every client different access and different size of their accounts and that is just not possible. If this would be your personal server without any logins/different packages - then, it would be probably possible (although you would've to test this a bit - with ISPConfig - you would put all domains in vhost file as a server alias and all would have same document root, all would have DNS zone and part which I'm not sure at is emails - although you can add domains only as mail servers/mail domains without adding domain as add-on domain, I'm not sure if that will work, because I've never test it. It probably would.
Thanks... but isn't there something like a template for the default vhost which I can change? For example, isn't there a template that says something like:

DocumentRoot var/www/<domain-name>/httpdocs

Which I can simply change into:

DocumentRoot var/www/default/httpdocs

Wouldn't that be somehow possible?

By the way, the customers will never have FTP access. However it would be nice if they could manage their own mailboxes (by logging into Plesk), but if that's not possible I will do it for them.

Thing is, I should be able to create different "packages" for different users. Just the document root should always be the same... that's all I want... :(
I don't know for the first one...maybe there is, but in Plesk logic/code which is not readable, so you will have to ask them this.

Second part - you can give users permission (per subscription) to only access the Plesk Panel and to manage their mail accounts (which is not possible with cPanel as far as I know).
>> Second part - you can give users permission (per subscription) to only access the Plesk Panel and to manage their mail accounts (which is not possible with cPanel as far as I know).

That sounds great!

>> but in Plesk logic/code which is not readable, so you will have to ask them this.

What exactly do you mean? Can't you access the code on your own server?
All help is still very welcome. All I want is that all vhosts have the same document root (or web folder). Can it be done and if so, how?
Allright... my final attempt.

Who knows an answer to this problem? I want Plesk to work in a normal way, just as it does. The only thing I would like to change is that every new domain has the same (predefined) document root (web folder).

I will be gone for a few days. I hope when I come back someone found a solution. Cheers!
>> but in Plesk logic/code which is not readable, so you will have to ask them this.

What exactly do you mean? Can't you access the code on your own server?


If you change something within the plesk, it will probably reconfigure/generate new vhost file, thus your idea to change everything manually might fail.

You can try to contact them through here:

but you will probably get same answer. It's not meant for what you're looking for.