• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • (Plesk for Windows):
    MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51, 5.1, and 5.3 are no longer shipped with Plesk because they have reached end of life. MariaDB Connector/ODBC 64-bit 3.2.4 is now used instead.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Resolved Cannot create subscription - fails on "Configuring mail"


Basic Pleskian
Server operating system version
CentOS 7
Plesk version and microupdate number
Plesk Obsidian Web Pro Edition 18.0.48

Unable to activate mail on a newly created subscription / domain, it fails / times out on Configuring email.

Panel log below:


[2022-12-06 11:47:55.509] 10511:638f2be604667 ERR [panel] DB query failed:
"REPLACE INTO `Parameters` (`parameter`, `value`) VALUES (?, ?)"

Error: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '8-nonexist_mail' for key 'PRIMARY', query was: REPLACE INTO `Parameters` (`parameter`, `value`) VALUES (?, ?)
[2022-12-06 11:47:57.669] 10511:638f2be604667 ERR [panel] Task failed: id=4399, pid=10511, type=subscription-create, error=DB query failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '8-nonexist_mail' for key 'PRIMARY', query was: REPLACE INTO `Parameters` (`parameter`, `value`) VALUES (?, ?)
[2022-12-06 11:47:57.670] 10511:638f2be604667 ERR [panel] DB query failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '8-nonexist_mail' for key 'PRIMARY', query was: REPLACE INTO `Parameters` (`parameter`, `value`) VALUES (?, ?)
[2022-12-06 11:47:57.670] 10511:638f2be604667 ERR [panel] There is already an active transaction:
0: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/vendor/plesk/zf1/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php:307
1: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/vendor/plesk/zf1/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php:307
2: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php:26
3: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/vendor/plesk/zf1/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php:496
4: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Db/Table/Row/LongTask.php:86
5: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Task/Control/Abstract.php:289
Task_Control_Abstract->onError(object of type PleskMultipleException)
6: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Db/Table/Broker/LongTasks.php:185
Db_Table_Broker_LongTasks->_syncStart(object of type Db_Table_Row_LongTask)
7: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Db/Table/Broker/LongTasks.php:113
Db_Table_Broker_LongTasks->runTaskWithinExecutor(object of type Db_Table_Row_LongTask)
8: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Task/Async/Executor.php:44
9: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/scripts/task-async-executor.php:6
[2022-12-06 11:47:57.670] 10511:638f2be604667 ERR [panel] There is already an active transaction

Screenshots attached.



Tried this, doesn't work:

[root@ufo ~]# plesk repair mail
Repairing the mail server configuration
Reconfigure all domains and mailboxes? [Y/n] y
Reconfiguring all domains and mailboxes ......................... [OK]

Error messages: 0; Warnings: 0; Errors resolved: 0

Any ideas?
Same error. I even added it with a new owner, new IP address etc. but still getting the same error.
In the case referred above the cause was a database upgrade that was done before. However, once a "plesk repair db -y" was run or the domain was re-added, the issue was resolved.

Did you upgrade your database server recently?
@octet out of curiosity, did you also try to run the command below as suggested in the support article.

/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/mailmng-outgoing --remove-subscription --main-domain-name=example.com

I am not entirely sure but the Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry indicates a conflict with an duplicate entry for the subscription/domain. Removing the subscription from the mail service with the above command before running Plesk repair mail -y to repair the mail configuration might yield better results.
Mariadb was updated recently.

[root@ufo ~]# mysql -V

mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.18-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1

plesk repair log:

[root@ufo ~]# plesk repair db -y

Checking the Plesk database using the native database server tools .. [OK]

Checking the structure of the Plesk database

Extra table: cards ................................................ [WARNING]
Creating a database dump ........................................ [OK]
A dump of the database was created before an attempt to repair the database: /var/lib/psa/dumps/mysql.preresolve.20221206-160528.dump.gz
Deleting table 'cards' .......................................... [FIXED]

Extra table: filesharingusers ..................................... [WARNING]
Deleting table 'filesharingusers' ............................... [FIXED]

Column passed_fixed is absent in the table
domainoutgoingmessagesstats ....................................... [ERROR]
Repairing table 'domainoutgoingmessagesstats' ................... [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already
exists: 1050 Table 'DomainOutgoingMessagesStats' already
exists, query was: CREATE TABLE
`DomainOutgoingMessagesStats`(`domainId` int unsigned NOT
NULL,`collectDate` datetime NOT NULL,`limitValue` bigint NOT
NULL DEFAULT '-1',`passed` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0',`rejected` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0',`passed_fixed` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0',`rejected_verified` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0',PRIMARY KEY (`domainId`,`collectDate`)) ENGINE=InnoDB

Column rejected_verified is absent in the table
domainoutgoingmessagesstats ....................................... [ERROR]
Repairing table 'domainoutgoingmessagesstats' ................... [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found:
1051 Unknown table 'psa.domainoutgoingmessagesstats', query
was: DROP TABLE `domainoutgoingmessagesstats`

Column passed_fixed is absent in the table mailoutgoingmessagesstats[ERROR]
Repairing table 'mailoutgoingmessagesstats' ..................... [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already
exists: 1050 Table 'MailOutgoingMessagesStats' already exists,
query was: CREATE TABLE `MailOutgoingMessagesStats`(`mailId`
int unsigned NOT NULL,`collectDate` datetime NOT
NULL,`limitValue` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1',`passed` bigint
unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`rejected` bigint unsigned NOT
NULL DEFAULT '0',`passed_fixed` bigint unsigned NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0',`rejected_verified` bigint unsigned NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY (`mailId`,`collectDate`)) ENGINE=InnoDB

Column rejected_verified is absent in the table
mailoutgoingmessagesstats ......................................... [ERROR]
Repairing table 'mailoutgoingmessagesstats' ..................... [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found:
1051 Unknown table 'psa.mailoutgoingmessagesstats', query was:
DROP TABLE `mailoutgoingmessagesstats`

Column messageKey is absent in the table panelnotificationmessages [ERROR]
Repairing table 'panelnotificationmessages' ..................... [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already
exists: 1050 Table 'PanelNotificationMessages' already exists,
query was: CREATE TABLE `PanelNotificationMessages`(`id` int
unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`clientId` int
unsigned,`adminAliasId` int unsigned,`isRead` int NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0',`isFavorite` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`subject`
varchar(255) NOT NULL,`message` text,`actionText` varchar(255)
NOT NULL,`actionLink` varchar(255) NOT NULL,`category`
varchar(255) NOT NULL,`area` varchar(255) NOT NULL,`context`
varchar(255) NOT NULL,`contextIconUrl` varchar(255) NOT
NULL,`createdAt` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT
varchar(255) NOT NULL,`openInNewTab` int NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0',`messageKey` varchar(255),`isPromotion` int NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY (`id`),KEY `clientId` (`clientId`),KEY
`adminAliasId` (`adminAliasId`),KEY `isRead` (`isRead`),KEY
`isFavorite` (`isFavorite`),KEY `category` (`category`))

Column isPromotion is absent in the table panelnotificationmessages [ERROR]
Repairing table 'panelnotificationmessages' ..................... [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found:
1051 Unknown table 'psa.panelnotificationmessages', query was:
DROP TABLE `panelnotificationmessages`

Wrong attributes for the column 'rep_id' in the table 'repository': [ERROR]
- Extra attribute: autoincrement.
Repairing table 'repository' .................................... [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already
exists: 1050 Table 'Repository' already exists, query was:
CREATE TABLE `Repository`(`rep_id` int unsigned NOT
NULL,`component_id` int unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY
KEY (`rep_id`,`component_id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT

Column passed_fixed is absent in the table
subscriptionoutgoingmessagesstats ................................. [ERROR]
Repairing table 'subscriptionoutgoingmessagesstats' ............. [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already
exists: 1050 Table 'SubscriptionOutgoingMessagesStats' already
exists, query was: CREATE TABLE
`SubscriptionOutgoingMessagesStats`(`subscriptionId` int
unsigned NOT NULL,`collectDate` datetime NOT NULL,`limitValue`
bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1',`passed` bigint unsigned NOT NULL
DEFAULT '0',`rejected` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0',`passed_fixed` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0',`rejected_verified` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT
'0',PRIMARY KEY (`subscriptionId`,`collectDate`)) ENGINE=InnoDB

Column rejected_verified is absent in the table
subscriptionoutgoingmessagesstats ................................. [ERROR]
Repairing table 'subscriptionoutgoingmessagesstats' ............. [FAILED]
- DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found:
1051 Unknown table 'psa.subscriptionoutgoingmessagesstats',
query was: DROP TABLE `subscriptionoutgoingmessagesstats`

More in the next message.
Checking the consistency of the Plesk database

Inconsistency in the table 'data_bases' for the column dom_id: No
rows in the table 'domains' with id = 80 .......................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'db_users' for the column db_id: No rows
in the table 'data_bases' with id = 75 ............................ [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Fixing broken references ........................................ [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'db_users' for the column dom_id: No rows
in the table 'domains' with id = 80 ............................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Wrong AUTO_INCREMENT values in the following tables: Parameters: 9
≠ 48, Parameters: 9 ≠ 48, Parameters: 9 ≠ 48, Parameters: 9
≠ 48 .............................................................. [ERROR]
Updating AUTO_INCREMENT values .................................. [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'apsResources' for the column registryId:
There is no object in the 'apsc' database in the table
'aps_registry_object' with UID =
f46c9d04-a20f-4449-aa5b-ac008243b1b9 .............................. [ERROR]
Removing rows ................................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'apsResourcesParameters' for the column
apsResourceId: No rows in the table 'apsResources' with id = 3 .... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 2 ........................ [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 4 ........................ [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 5 ........................ [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 6 ........................ [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 7 ........................ [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 8 ........................ [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 17 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 18 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 19 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 24 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 28 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 29 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

more in the next message.
Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 30 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 79 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 87 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 88 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 90 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 91 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 93 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 94 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 95 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 96 ....................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 127 ...................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Inconsistency in the table 'Configurations' for the column objectId:
No rows in the table 'domains' with id = 128 ...................... [WARNING]
To see more details, run the command in the verbose mode: plesk repair db -verbose
Removing unnecessary rows ....................................... [FIXED]

Error messages: 11; Warnings: 30; Errors resolved: 32

exit status 1

Second run shows all fine:

[root@ufo ~]# plesk repair db -y
Checking the Plesk database using the native database server tools .. [OK]
Checking the structure of the Plesk database ........................ [OK]
Checking the consistency of the Plesk database ...................... [OK]
Error messages: 0; Warnings: 0; Errors resolved: 0
[root@ufo ~]#

Domain removed, added again, fails on Configuring mail:

Configuring mail
mailmng-outgoing failed: ERROR:__main__:column name is not unique
@octet out of curiosity, did you also try to run the command below as suggested in the support article.

/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/mailmng-outgoing --remove-subscription --main-domain-name=example.com

I am not entirely sure but the Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry indicates a conflict with an duplicate entry for the subscription/domain. Removing the subscription from the mail service with the above command before running Plesk repair mail -y to repair the mail configuration might yield better results.

That worked, thank you! Now resolved.

[root@ufo ~]# /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/mailmng-outgoing --remove-subscription --main-domain-name=domainXXX.com
[root@ufo ~]# plesk repair mail -y
Repairing the mail server configuration
Reconfiguring all domains and mailboxes ......................... [OK]
Error messages: 0; Warnings: 0; Errors resolved: 0

[root@ufo ~]#