• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
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FTP "hangs" or "breaks" at or near 100% completion




We are running Plesk 7.5.2 on our Windows 2003 Standard server.

We have set up a site for a client, and they use the "webuser" facility to provide their end clients with FTP space that can be used to transfer data to them. Our client then logs in with the main FTP user, and can access the files in the "webusers" folders and collect the appropriate files that have been uploaded for them.

It appears that any time you try and download a file of substantial size (say 10 to 20MB) that the FTP transfer will "hang" just before 100% completion.

For example when using CuteFTP to make the transfer, the transfer claims to be 100% complete, but never actually gets set to the "complete" status. It's almost like the FTP server doesn't quite finish or "close off" the FTP session. However if you force an end to the transfer, the file has been successfully transferred.

I'm wondering if this is something to do with PASSV/PORT transfer modes (I've tested with both), but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so, how did you resolve it?


After some further investigation it appears that if we turn off the Windows Firewall this problem goes away also.

It appears that the firewall is active, but not running correctly - i.e. there were not any expetions for FTP ports, however, FTP was working!

I will post results of any future test or resolutions found.
This is one of the reason's that I don't allow my consulting clients to rely on the Windows Firewall. Too darn many 'issues'. I have seen the same ftp issue on many XP client machines, not only ftp but others as well. Not just Plesk related.
Hi Roland,

Did you found a solution on this? We have the same problem.

I already changed PASV ports and firewall rules for this but gave no solution

Best Regards,
I have the same issue,
it only happens with large files though..

are you sure its the firewall not a timeout?
The problem was occuring for us with larger files too (6MB to 20MB were used to reliably re-create the test scenario).

As soon as the W2K3 firewall was disabled these files downloaded without issue.

The only solution we have found so far is to leave the Windows Firewall disabled. This isn't ideal, but it does prevent our clients from complainig about the broken transfers, and it makes the FTP facility usable for those users who do not have the ability to resume transfers.

Kind regards,

This happens on any windows server I use. Its not related to the firewall. The connection times out if its not actively doing anything, and up/downloading a file doesn't count. So by the time the file finishes up/downloading, it can't get a directory listing because the server already closed the active session.

I've found that if you have to move alot of stuff to a windows server, do it in small groups of files and folders. Increasing the timeout for FTP on the server doesn't help much either.:rolleyes:
so the solution.... use alternative ftp server software? instead of M$ FTP?
Originally posted by robtbs
so the solution.... use alternative ftp server software? instead of M$ FTP?

Still having this problem myself, have it with Gene6 FTP but not Microsoft FTP... (Go figure.)
Originally posted by jcwilsonmd
Still having this problem myself, have it with Gene6 FTP but not Microsoft FTP... (Go figure.)

It is very strange... we had this problem in IIS FTP on one server, but installation Serv-U is resolved this issue
same problem what solutions are others using?

I'm having exact same problem. I'd love to hear what everyone is doing about it.
The only "solution" I found was to turn off the Windows Firewall. We ended up having issues with Microsoft's FTP and GENE6. Microsoft's FTP just didn't error out as much.
We're using Gene6 FTP + Windows 2003 Server, and it hangs when users upload files larger than 1MB. When it reaches 100%, file is uploaded OK, but it hangs here untill server/session timeout :\
You can try opening the upper passive FTP tcp ports 49152, 65534. See if that helps.
Well this is not a MS FTP thing. It worked great in plesk 7.0. Now I have upgraded to 7.5.6 and this is a problem. I have set time out to 3600 seconds, yet the ftp times out after a minute of inactivity.

This happens regardless of firewall.

Has anyone solved this yet?
my plesk server too


Same problem here

Its something with Plesk + Windows Firewall

I tried to open the passive ports, change passive ports, use active mode.. all things failed

i searched many hours on google and MS forum.. nothing...

Please help-use

We still waiting a solution for our plesk server
Originally posted by jcwilsonmd
The only "solution" I found was to turn off the Windows Firewall. We ended up having issues with Microsoft's FTP and GENE6. Microsoft's FTP just didn't error out as much.

I had a problem simlar to the original postings in that link you have, where downloads wouldn't always complete.

It ended up being a feature on my firewall called "TCP SYN Checking" Once I disabled that, I didn't have the problem again.

But, then I don't think windows 2003 has an option like that, but who knows.
This post has been up for a while. I wonder if the Plesk people check these forums at all.

Anybody tried them directly?