Thanks for your help earlier atomicturtle. I understand what I need to do now for the php upgrade.
At the moment though I'm still struggling to upgrade mysql from 3.23.58 to 4.1.20 which is my current priority.
The yum upgrade mysql takes place without incident or error but mysql won't start afterwards even after a reboot.
Same error as before but I've captured the mysqld.log this time before restoring from backup.
The first log is in response to the mysql_fix_privilege_tables which is required for this upgrade.
The second log is in response to a normal service mysqld start command.
-------------Log Starts Below ---------
060708 02:02:05 mysqld started
060708 2:02:05 [ERROR] bdb: unable to initialize mutex: Function not implemented
060708 2:02:05 [ERROR] bdb: process-private: unable to initialize environment lock: Function not implemented
InnoDB: Resetting space id's in the doublewrite buffer
060708 2:02:06 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 8446657
InnoDB: You are upgrading to an InnoDB version which allows multiple
InnoDB: tablespaces. Wait that purge and insert buffer merge run to
InnoDB: completion...
InnoDB: Full purge and insert buffer merge completed.
InnoDB: You have now successfully upgraded to the multiple tablespaces
InnoDB: format. You should NOT DOWNGRADE to an earlier version of
InnoDB: InnoDB! But if you absolutely need to downgrade, see
InnoDB: for instructions.
060708 2:02:08 [ERROR] Can't init databases
060708 2:02:08 [ERROR] Aborting
060708 2:02:08 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
060708 2:02:11 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 8446703
060708 2:02:11 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete
060708 02:02:11 mysqld ended
060708 02:21:21 mysqld started
060708 2:21:21 [ERROR] bdb: unable to initialize mutex: Function not implemented
060708 2:21:21 [ERROR] bdb: process-private: unable to initialize environment lock: Function not implemented
060708 2:21:21 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 8446703
060708 2:21:21 [ERROR] Can't init databases
060708 2:21:21 [ERROR] Aborting
060708 2:21:21 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
060708 2:21:23 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 8446703
060708 2:21:23 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete
060708 02:21:23 mysqld ended
--------------------Log Ends---------------------
Thanks for any assistance you can offer.