imapd.cnf is Courier-IMAP own default template (configuration file) for generating self-signed SSL certificates. Therefore it's not relevant.
Both imapd and imapd-ssl are sourced as configuration files for IMAP SSL process. Also imapd-ssl has neither MAXDAEMONS, nor MAXPERIP options in it by default. This is at least correct for Plesk 11.5 - I don't remember for sure how it is done in previous versions, but AFAIK it's quite similar.
So this shouldn't be a problem.
EDIT: some conclusions in this post turned out to be incorrect... Read on!!
It is similar, but it's not the same.
Because I was aware of this ludicrous setting in Plesk for imap and pop3 I patch my Plesk servers before they go into production.
I recently (3 months ago) installed a new Plesk 11.5 and patched both
/etc/courier-imap/imapd and
/etc/courier-imap/pop3d so they both contain MAXDAEMONS=80 and MAXPERIP=40
I recently moved a heavy IMAP from an old Plesk 10.5 server to this Plesk 11.5 server and they developed problems using imap.
My colleague found out there were no problems when using port 143.
They were using Apples and when I choose for SSL I always take straight SSL (on port 993) instead of TLS (on port 143).
When I did a "
ps aux | grep courier" I noticed that both the
MAXPERIP= parameters show in the ps list.
I then noticed that port 993 and port 995 still had the default values of merely 4 IP's and 40 daemons...
I checked my old server and there all processes had the increased value (ports 110, 143, 993 and 995).
I never patched
/etc/courier-imap/imapd/imapd-ssl on that old server, so I never did this on my new server.. I thought I had me a "set and forget thing"
It seems as if the old server takes the value out of
/etc/courier-imap/imapd which is strange behaviour in itself.
The courier developers must have corrected this.
There are no
MAXPERIP= values set in
/etc/courier-imap/imapd/imapd-ssl nor are there example settings.
I added these values in there and
now everything is fine.
Make sure you now set 4 files in /etc/courier-imap for a "sane server"
And Plesk should be improved so it (at least on a virgin installation) sets these parameters.
# grep 'MAX.*=' /etc/courier-imap/*
The configuration of
/etc/courier-imap/imapd is clearly not sourced anymore for the ssl process
It's the same for pop3
Especially the MAXPERIP setting will give you problems when you have more than 4 clients behind 1 IP (which is quite normal nowadays)
Bottom line....
On older servers one merely needed to change /etc/courier-imap/imapd and /etc/courier-imap/pop3d.
Now you also need to change /etc/courier-imap/imapd-ssl and /etc/courier-imap/pop3d-ssl