• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Issue installed plesk but it does not shown in web


Basic Pleskian
Hi all , I recently installed plesk in pure VPS , when I came and wonna see plesk panel in my_ip:8443 , It does not shown anything to me !!!! but my_ip , it shows Web Server's Default Page that created by plesk . please help me .thanks in advance .
Is your real "outside" hostname visible in /etc/hosts? If it is missing there, add it like

# IPv4 localhost.localdomain localhost
<public IPv4 address> <your hostname>
# IPv6
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
<public IPv6 address> <your hostname>
Its ok , but not shown !
any other efforts need after plesk installation ? for example opening 8443 port and so on ...
what are the rest ?

or what log I should have check for the problem ?

as I told just when I entered server's ip address , default page will be shown but when I try to enter ip address with port number 8443 , nothing will be shown and the result is this :

This site can’t be reached
188... took too long to respond.
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What is the status of
# service psa status
and does restarting it help?
# service psa restart
Are there parts that are not started or won't restart?
service psa status
It give "is running" ,
what log file should I check ? is there any for this problem ? or not ? plesk creates so many log files ...

Is it possible that one of services blocked ? Server is in Iran and Iran is under sanction of some services ...
Please run
# service sw-engine restart
# service cp-sw-server restart
and report the result here. Are both "active"/"running"?

Edit: Must read
# service sw-cp-server restart
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first is ok ,
Restarting sw-engine (via systemctl): [ OK ]

but second ( service cp-sw-server restart ) :

Failed to restart cp-sw-server.service: Unit not found.
There must have been an issue during installation. Please try to reinstall / repair with
# plesk repair installation
# plesk repair all

Edit: see next post; typo in previous post.
oh No, SORRY, It is

# service sw-cp-server restart
not cp-sw-server

Please try again with sw-cp-server.
It gives ok too ( service sw-cp-server restart ), but in repair I got some problems ...
first for nginx that is not active (httpd is active) and this problem accured :

Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
INFO: [Mon Jan 22 18:09:27 IRST 2018]: Serice: nginx, Action: start
Trying to start service nginx... failed
When Nginx cannot start, it is very likely that the Plesk web server has a problem, too.

What is "journalctl -xe" giving for the Nginx restart error?
What is /var/log/nginx/error.log logging?
Do you have entries in /var/log/sw-cp-server/error_log? Which ones?
journalctl -xe ---> output :
Unable to connect to Plesk Database: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)
in /var/log/nginx/ ,I have no file !
You seem to have many different issues. For sure the public front end server Nginx is not running. We don't know the reason for it yet. If there is no error.log entry it will be difficult to figure that one out. Then, sw-cp-server is not running or not running correctly. And finally, MySQL is not running either. Basically, nothing is running correctly on your system.

I am not sure whether it makes sense to check all log files for the reasons and solve them step-by-step or if it would not be better to dump the whole installation an restart. In this situation there must have been errors during the initial installation and errors during the repair operation. You must be missing something or not posting it here. Does your system meet the minimum hardware and software requirements for Plesk Onyx?
Hardware Requirements for Plesk
Software Requirements for Plesk
No I have hardware and software requirements , I use one click installer and after installation I got this


The installation has been finished. Plesk is now running on your server

that is fine installation .
thanks anyway , I should have find another way ,sorry to interrupt you in these couple days ,thanks a lot .