• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.
  • The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
    Existing ImunifyAV installations will continue operating for three months, and after that will automatically be replaced with the new Imunify extension. We recommend that you manually replace any existing ImunifyAV installations with Imunify at your earliest convenience.

Resolved Magicspam extension missing in Extension catalog but installed

Oh my ... This reminds me of someone who told me "you making noise for no reason"
Just write me an PM if you absolutely want to know the background of my Question before.
And if i really am mistaken with my question, I apologize, but then I am wondering why this thread exist, if nothing has changed ........
I mean... you ARE making noise for zero reason - you don't need to tell your Resellers anything, nor do most probably care. I'm simply asking what "disadvantages" you see? Other then it not being available to download as easy which simply takes a few minutes to install or can be automated in cases of a large scale rollout, what else is there?
well, welcome to open discussion here..

1. Why was it removed? Is it not trustworthy? That is a good question. Plesk itselfs provides some Options to turn on manual Upload but there was something with "be careful ...."
2. Yes, as you already said, these are more steps. But Question 1, why? (Things which disappears from App Store (apple) are mostly security releated.) ..
3. MagicSpam says, its not possible to add free Version. Why? I can download magicSpam still from Plesk Site (i saw and downloaded it today) and install manually?
So is this some sort of "we have some trouble and we just tell customer PAID Versions are still available and free not" ? .. a bit tricky.
but lets try: Just installing it, Warning Message "Warning: Installing extensions from untrusted sources is insecure." aha... 10 Minutes later, its working.
Why am i told its not free anymore? Per Email and here in Forum..
4. A mostly free and awesome Product seems not to be free anymore in Future?
definitely a Reason to talk with Customers.
1. Why was it removed? Is it not trustworthy? That is a good question. Plesk itselfs provides some Options to turn on manual Upload but there was something with "be careful ...."

>> Page 2 of this thread; "Unfortunately, agreements with Plesk as an authorized Reseller have lapsed, and the situation is currently under discussion, and we hope to have an agreement in place again soon."

2. Yes, as you already said, these are more steps. But Question 1, why? (Things which disappears from App Store (apple) are mostly security releated.) ..

>> Same as 1. It's due to both parties not forming an agreement.

3. MagicSpam says, its not possible to add free Version. Why? I can download magicSpam still from Plesk Site (i saw and downloaded it today) and install manually?
So is this some sort of "we have some trouble and we just tell customer PAID Versions are still available and free not" ? .. a bit tricky.
but lets try: Just installing it, Warning Message "Warning: Installing extensions from untrusted sources is insecure." aha... 10 Minutes later, its working.
Why am i told its not free anymore? Per Email and here in Forum..

>> Free version was possibly part of the original reseller agreement with Plesk; can't blame them for trying to sell a product.

4. A mostly free and awesome Product seems not to be free anymore in Future?
definitely a Reason to talk with Customers.

>> Still not a reason in my book. Why would a customer care about you throwing down an extra $10-$15 a month on a software license. If I was a client of yours, I would run as this would put the idea in my head that your company is not financial stable.
@daanse and @MarkM

I do understand that you have some kind of open conversation or discussion about MagicSpam.

In essence, @MarkM is right - it is up to both parties (read: Plesk and the company behind MagicSpam) to form an agreement ........ and they didn't.

Sure, there probably is a good reason for those two parties not to come to an agreement - we can only make educated guesses about that reason.

Nevertheless, educated guesses are a poor guideline to make decisions in life.

I am really surprised by the attention for MagicSpam - a (anti-spam) tool that seems to make life easy, but actually is a bit odd by nature:

- it is based primarily on open source : this does not seem to justify any montly fee, does it?
- it is hardly efficient or effective : why install something that is not suited for the job and/or when better and more efficient alternatives are available?
- it is associated with "diminishing returns of scale" : when "spam" is identified, the tool is learning and ....... in the long run, less and less "spam" will be identified, making it not really worthwhile to keep on paying the same amount each month (read: in absolute terms, the price is equal each month, but in relative terms, the price is higher if less spam is intercepted - implying that the added value of the tool itself will diminish over time)

More important, by asking license fees for a product, one is actually claiming intellectual property and exploiting that intellectual property..........

........ and that is a bit strange, when taking into consideration that a huge part of MagicSpam is related to open source : in my humble opinion, it is a damn good thing that Plesk does not actually support the exploitation of open source by one of it's "resellers".

@daanse, just consider to install pyzor and razor and/or something similar - works even better than MagicSpam and it is essentially the same.

Bingo, SpamAssasin with pyzor/razor is your solution, you could even throw in iXHash. The ultimate solution for the ultimate cheapskate.
Bingo, SpamAssasin with pyzor/razor is your solution, you could even throw in iXHash. The ultimate solution for the ultimate cheapskate.

Cheapskate :) - nice definition .... [understatement : I miss the smiley indicating that I am laughing out loud] ;)

In general, one could also go the extra mile and use a SpamExperts mail cluster - or just the SpamExperts Plesk extension (which is quite expensive with multiple domains).
I've been thoroughly happy with MagicSpam + Plesk's Spamassassin for many years. I was disappointed, when I purchased a new Plesk server, that MagicSpam was no longer listed in the list of Plesk extensions. I understand that I can install it manually, which shouldn't be too hard, but it would be nice to have it available in the Plesk extension list, again.
I've been thoroughly happy with MagicSpam + Plesk's Spamassassin for many years. I was disappointed, when I purchased a new Plesk server, that MagicSpam was no longer listed in the list of Plesk extensions. I understand that I can install it manually, which shouldn't be too hard, but it would be nice to have it available in the Plesk extension list, again.

any idea how to install it manually
We're in the (hopefully) final stages of business negotiations with the MagicSpam team. As soon as we have something definitive to announce, you'll hear it here. Thank you for your patience.

we are waiting... SPAM wants finish me
Thank you all for the continued support.

Please note that MagicSpam Lite and MagicSpam PRO versions are still fully supported in Plesk .

To install MagicSpam in Plesk, please visit the MagicSpam website and purchase the desired version of MagicSpam for Plesk.

With your newly purchased MagicSpam license, you can access the download page provided in the purchase confirmation email to download the MagicSpam package for your system.

Next, please enable extension uploads in the Plesk Extension Manager as per following Plesk support article:

Extensions Catalog

Lastly, upload via the Plesk Extension Manager the previously downloaded MagicSpam package and enter your MagicSpam license in the MagicSpam admin interface panel to enable MagicSpam.

We hope this information helps.

Thank you for your support.
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it is based primarily on open source : this does not seem to justify any montly fee, does it?
@trialotto and what, in your eyes, is the widely advertised Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection then? It is just a nice wrapper around SpamAssassin Open Source, just like many other plugins (also Kolab). I'm not using MagicSpam, but this eliminates the point.

In response to

@trialotto and what, in your eyes, is the widely advertised Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection then? It is just a nice wrapper around SpamAssassin Open Source, just like many other plugins (also Kolab). I'm not using MagicSpam, but this eliminates the point.

I have to admit that I have to make clear that my previous post contains an implicit nuance, being that

"everything commercial based on open source is fine, but commercial fees should be in line with added value : if added value is not sufficient, any commercial fee is not really justified and/or cannot be really justified - it would be "cost ineffective" for any user to pay for services that can be equally obtained by implementing underlying open source."

In essence, Warden Anti-spam and Virus is something similar : I would not recommend to pay any commercial fee for it, for reasons that should be clear by now.

As a nice example of an anti-spam and anti-virus tooling set that is based on open source, but really does add value in a commercial subscription : Spam Experts.

The reason for the latter statement is that you do not only get a highly "trained" spam machine cluster, but also the infrastructure (and worry-free usage of the solution).

One could consider to re-create a solution similar to Spam Experts, by simply installing the open source underlying Spam Experts, but one would end up with huge costs for a solution that is not as smart or well-configured as Spam Experts nowadays is.

However, to be crystal clear about the "Spam Experts as a viable and justifiable solution" statement, I must admit that it is not the best idea to purchase or pay the commercial fee that Plesk ask for their (excellent) Spam Experts extension - there are two simple reasons for the before : (on the one hand) there are providers out there that have a more cheap offer for an identical Spam Experts solution and, more important, (on the other hand) there are (rare, but existing) situations in which the Spam Experts extension by Plesk will not work as expected, for instance when using external nameservers in combination with a non-proper configuration of the Plesk server and the external nameserver.

In summary, I would really recommend to consider Spam Experts for anything related to anti-spam or anti-virus objectives *.

Hope the above helps a bit and answers your question to some extent.

Kind regards........

* Note that you should always combine solutions when trying to meet anti-virus objectives - for instance, Spam Experts should be combined with Plesk Premium anti-virus. It is not only good practice, but also a "must have" if you decide to have one control mechanism against spam or viruses on external servers : anything that mistakenly will pass rules of the control mechanism on external servers will still be checked on the local server - better be safe than sorry!