It is nevertheless wise to use the OS which most Pleskinans use
Why do you think, that this is "wise"?
The percentage of "most Pleskians" can't be guessed at all by the number of threads and posts here in the forum.
In fact, the number of users who use Plesk in combination with a registration at the Plesk Forum is vanishingly small. I don't know the actual number of world-wide Plesk licences at all, but you should be aware, that there are far, far, far, more Plesk users out there, than registered accounts here in the forum!
You should start a survey here who who uses Linux Distribution.
Again, pls. read the lines above.
But maybe a Plesk-Team - member can help you here, by providing informations about the overall OS usage ( which will not at all help here, because your basic, unique linux - knowldge is by far more important, when it comes to a choice, which operating systems you desire on your server(s) ).
where here most of the examples about CentOS publish, Because the commands are very different from the distributions
Oh, I agree here. Some KB - articles, some forum - threads/posts don't include several operating systems ( but that again doesn't answer, which OS is "better" for YOU ); that's why it is essential, that YOU provide informations about your used operating system(s), when you ask for help in this forum.
, so you will get suggestions, solutions, how-to's and recommendations, based on YOUR used operating system(s). This is just "laziness", or the fact, that a forum - user or Plesk - Team - member forgot, that there are users out there, which use another OS, or ( what is even more relevant here !!! ), that the question/issue/error/problem was EXPLIZIT described with the depending OS - usage, so there was no need to add answers for another OS.
My initial answer is really still valid:
Plesk works equally well with ALL supported operating systems listed at:
... because each OS has been tested with the very same effort and the different depending configurations and settings reflect this as well.