i mean the way, it's announced "by the way" after people had been waiting, asking again and again and again and were in the belief it will definatley be in there.
Since we choose to communicate open at the forum, you can see here staff which hasn't been announced properly and formally yet.
For the same reason you can see here statements which will later be revised because plans are being changed.
If you would prefer formal and precise communication, I can only suggest to stick to formal announcements and consider everything seen in the forum as merely rumors from inside.
Our alternatives are to limit given information to repeating what has been already announced formally (1) or to supply each message with a huge legal disclaimer (2).
So which OS to choose, if i want to have the newest packages on official base?
For CentOS there would be a range of alternative repositories such as Atomic or IUS for example.
Atomic is particularly common and known for good quality, they are also available at the forum sometimes.
Also per my personal experience Ubuntu LTS is quite up2date, so my own servers are normally at Ubuntu.
I can understand your disappointment. But supporting every OS is an additional effort and we need audience of certain size for each OS to remain sustainable.At the moment i'm really disappointed. I'm paying for my licenses as everyone else and get kicked out.