• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.
  • The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
    Existing ImunifyAV installations will continue operating for three months, and after that will automatically be replaced with the new Imunify extension. We recommend that you manually replace any existing ImunifyAV installations with Imunify at your earliest convenience.

Plesk Feature Requests

Im not sure if this is possible but openexchange would be nice too ( I see WebDav in the list already).
Features wanted

How about 3rd party email, DNS and database support..
I would love for plesk to be able to provision Email on my communigate pro Email server, and database on a nice solid DB server or two (selectable)..Primary and secondary external DNS's are nice too...

I would like to see some form of online billing system such as Modern Bill (http://www.modernbill.com )

An integrated billing system that I was able to use / bill my clients without having to use some other form of billing systems would be awesome and top notch.

Would tie it all together for me.

Ohh and Ability to move domains from one client to another. (not sure if it is on list... i tried to read it all but went cross-eyed)
HSPcomplete does the automated billing stuff, I don't think Plesk itself will ever have billing as HSPc does everything you should need and more.
Missing features some of us care about

1. Debian support. without this many of us can not use plesk. This not only gives everyone another option is helps grow sw-softs customer base.
2. postfix support. Nothing against qmail just tired of having to learn every different MTA out there, have used qmail in the past and have had much greater success with postfix, just as secure. infinitely easier to administer.
3. ClamAV filtering, hard to start paying for what i have been using for free for years now. Drweb might be good but clamAV works just as well and its free.
4.Ability to add custom apps to the vault, i don't mind having to do all of the configuration stuff by hand. Don't know that i can not already do this today as the one box i am running plesk on is for a customer and not my own. As soon as debian is supported i will deploy to all of our debian boxes and have a chance to tinker in depth with it.

Debian support is a must have though.

I agree with many of the features requested here espeically mod_mono ASP.NET support.

Would it also be possible to limit mailboxes by the number of emails in addition or instead of the mailbox size? I would like to limit my mailbox to 200 emails due to the quantity of spam in one particluar mailbox.
My list:

1. Possibility to export clients/domains templates and import on other PLESK box.

2. Advanced PLESK versus Dummy Admin, I mean if you choose Advanced, then you can have a few other tools like mod_bandwith, etc, usually hardly configured tools, but sometimes so necessary to secure the server.

3. PLESK to start to think that on clean server to try to protect also the server at least a little bit, with tmp, shm etc to setup noexec, nosuid, to install anti DOS Attacks program, disable compilers, remove unneccessary rpm files what not needed, of course all this interactive way n clean install.

4. Add YUM to PLESK for updates be more easy. Webmin have this feature and is nice for dummy admins.

5. a possibility to remove in installer a package, not just add.
- Ability to add email-adresses to subdomain ([email protected]) , not necessary to create subdomain as full domain manually. Or simple way to move subdomain to full domain and keep all the settings (Template).
- Openwebmail as webmailer
- Simple way to select wanted/installed webmailer for all domains.
4.Ability to add custom apps to the vault, i don't mind having to do all of the configuration stuff by hand. Don't know that i can not already do this today as the one box i am running plesk on is for a customer and not my own. As soon as debian is supported i will deploy to all of our debian boxes and have a chance to tinker in depth with it.{/I]

Absolutely, imagine if all the PHP scripts out there could be added to the application vault by the original developers. One of the biggest strengths of open source is that we can then add to the product, which will only enhance its appeal.

A couple of other things I'd like to see is full domain aliasing - not just vhost.conf stuff, but mail records too. Its not much good it [email protected] get rejected because I only have [email protected] registered.

Also, the restore utility - I imagine 99.9% of the time, you want to restore everything, or just a single domain. So, can we please have an option to specify one domain on the command line instead of having to faff about creating text files.

And.. an easy way to set up shared SSL - so other domains can share the https certificate of a 'master' domain. this one would really provide value compared to other control panels.
I'd like to see swsoft get rid of the pesky backup/restore issue. There is no point, in my opinion, to restrict web site restorations using psa's backup feature.

I also like the idea of being able to uninstall apps and such via the updater versus just installing them.. This would be useful for some of our dummy admins. :)

hide directories

the ability to hide unnecessary (no permission) directories should be configurable in the proftpd config file... unless psa overwrites this file?
- Ability to hide columns on domain view
- Ability to group domains into collapsable folders based on type [redirect/hosting/etc]
- Totals for alloted space/bandwidth/etc
- Customize application vault from a client level + disable all applications
- Client-level ability to automatically prepend usernames to database names
- Word-wrapping in the Help window [if a long word is in it, the window stretches]
one thing i noticed earlier in this thread is that the comment was made about plesk being the leader of features, scripts, etc. compared to other control panels.

well that's fine if plesk is the leader, but should that be a valid excuse for a lack of necessary functionality, features, etc. when new but not-so-useful features, modules, etc. are being released instead? (gaming server for one example)

need i bring in microsoft as an example?
Originally posted by serial-thrilla
well that's fine if plesk is the leader, but should that be a valid excuse for a lack of necessary functionality, features, etc. when new but not-so-useful features, modules, etc. are being released instead? (gaming server for one example)

If you're referring to my post I didn't mean it in that way, I was reponding to (now deleted) posts from another user. I agree completely.
Originally posted by gbjbaanb

A couple of other things I'd like to see is full domain aliasing - not just vhost.conf stuff, but mail records too. Its not much good it [email protected] get rejected because I only have [email protected] registered.

Ah, but if you have not registered mydomain.com, then it won't be world resolvable by DNS, and will never get to your server anyways.... Domain aliasing is only useful if you actually have registered domains which you want to all point to a common domain.