Hello guys, i just went to update my plesk panel on my debian server and now i have this error displaying:
Since im not expert with server management, im just so lost and dont know where to start to fix this.
I made a server backup before, but i cant access plesk panel admin since im having this error.
What can i do?
Daniel Q.
Now i have the new version installed but its corrupted..ERROR: Service_Agent_Exception
Unable to read components configuration from the service node: sh: /opt/psa/admin/bin/packagemng: Permission denied
Additionally, an exception has occurred while trying to report this error: Service_Agent_Exception
Unable to read components configuration from the service node: sh: /opt/psa/admin/bin/packagemng: Permission denied
0: Unix.php:340
Service_Node_Components_Unix->_syncProperties(NULL null, boolean false)
1: :
call_user_func_array(array, array)
2: Properties.php:151
Service_Node_Properties->sync(NULL null, boolean false)
3: Components.php:20
4: Properties.php:32
Service_Node_Properties->__construct(object of type Db_Table_Row_ServiceNode)
5: ServiceNode.php:185
6: ServiceNode.php:88
7: auth.php3:510
Since im not expert with server management, im just so lost and dont know where to start to fix this.
I made a server backup before, but i cant access plesk panel admin since im having this error.
What can i do?
Daniel Q.