The autoinstaller3.log is about 12MB
I am pasting the sections from it where the likely error occur (there is no option to upload zip file here in the forum)
Environment locale name is 'English_United States.1252'
Warning: Locale English_United States.1252 is not supported, used en_US.
Supported non-english locales is: en_US.UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8, it_IT.UTF-8 ja_JP.UTF-8, nl_NL.UTF8 ru_RU.UTF8 zh_CN.UTF-8, zh_TW.UTF-8
Parallels Products Installer 3.8.0 (built on Dec 24 2010 10:36:56 svn rev. 9999999) started at (timezone Central Standard Time) Thu Mar 03 00:57:12 2011
Command line arguments: C:\Downloads\parallels_installer.exe
SourceUrl: original source url is
SourceUrl: fixed url is
Try to find rcfile...
Autoinstaller rcfile not found.
Opsys detected as: os_vendor=Microsoft os_name=Windows-server version=5.2-sp2 arch=x86_64 environment=~empty
Final opsys (with overriding) is: os_vendor=Microsoft os_name=Windows-server version=5.2-sp2 arch=x86_64 environment=~empty
Web interface is now started.
Please visit
http://localhost:8447/ in your browser.
repository: Get brief packages info for all sources
SourceUrl: original source url is
SourceUrl: fixed url is
FileFetcher new object: target_dir=C:\e61be95c010099e4f9ece11945d5c909/parallels/, main_source_url=
FileFetcher: get file (~empty)/products.inf3
File downloading products.inf3: 100% was finished.
File downloading PANEL-WIN_10.1.0/panel-10.1.0-ms_w2k3-x86_64.inf3: Can't get installation types for PANEL_10_1_0_WIN
: Failed to download the package
The requested URL returned error: 404
File downloading PANEL-WIN_10.1.0/panel-10.1.0-ms_w2k3-x86_64.inf3: Can't get installation types for PANEL_10_1_0_WIN
: Failed to download the package
The requested URL returned error: 404
MSI: Info:SQL: SELECT `host`, `admin_login`, `admin_password`, `port` FROM DatabaseServers WHERE `id`=1 AND `type`='mysql'
MSI: Info:MySQLDatabaseProvider Query: SELECT `host`, `admin_login`, `admin_password`, `port` FROM DatabaseServers WHERE `id`=1 AND `type`='mysql'
MSI: ***Resolving source dir...
MSI: Installation is running from cache: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\d0cbb2b2.msi
MSI: ***Collecting webmail parameters...
MSI: Info:The system cannot find the path specified. (Error code 3) at Open file 'horde\config\conf.php'
at (VFile:
pen line 87)
at Collect parameters of Webmail database(CollectWebMailDBParams line 43)
MSI: Info:The system cannot find the path specified. (Error code 3) at Open file 'horde\config\conf.php'
at (VFile:
pen line 87)
at Collect parameters of Webmail database(CollectWebMailDBParams line 43)
MSI: ***Collecting default packages...
MSI: Action 0:58:48: SelfUnregModules. Unregistering modules
File: capicom.dll
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\
File: MEUtil.dll
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\
File: memta.dll
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\
MSI: Info 1905. Module C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\memta.dll failed to unregister. HRESULT -2147319780. Contact your support personnel.
File: memta_x64.dll
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\
MSI: Info 1905. Module C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\bin\memta_x64.dll failed to unregister. HRESULT -2147319780. Contact your support personnel.
Folder: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\
MSI: Action 0:58:49: RemoveRegistryValues. Removing system registry values
Key: \Software\Classes\psa.scheduler.device.PSASchedulerCollection
MSI: ***Resolving source dir...
MSI: Installation is running from cache: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\26464d6.msi
MSI: ***Collecting webmail parameters...
MSI: Info:The system cannot find the path specified. (Error code 3) at Open file 'horde\config\conf.php'
at (VFile:
pen line 87)
at Collect parameters of Webmail database(CollectWebMailDBParams line 99)
MSI: Info:The system cannot find the path specified. (Error code 3) at Open file 'horde\config\conf.php'
at (VFile:
pen line 87)
at Collect parameters of Webmail database(CollectWebMailDBParams line 99)
MSI: ***Collecting default packages...
MSI: The system cannot find the file specified. (Error code 2) at Unable to connect to pipe \\.\pipe\psapipe
MSI: Error! The system cannot find the file specified. (Error code 2) at Unable to connect to pipe \\.\pipe\psapipe
MSI: Action ended 1:02:41: CheckInstallConditions. Return value 3.
MSI: Action ended 1:02:41: INSTALL. Return value 3.
MSI: Property(N): WiseInitExistError = %s Version %s is already installed. You must uninstall the existing version before installing %s Version %s. Do you want to uninstall the existing version of %s?
MSI: Property(N): ProductLanguage = 1033
MSI: Property(N): WiseInitAdminError = You must have administrator rights to run this installation. Please login as an administrator and re-run this installation.
MSI: Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable = 439054424
MSI: Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired = 133393
MSI: Property(S): PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining = 438921031
MSI: Property(S): SSLRANDOM = 2998687
MSI: Property(S): PrimaryVolumePath = C:
MSI: === Logging stopped: 3/3/2011 1:03:39 ===
Failed to install 'C:\e61be95c010099e4f9ece11945d5c909\parallels\PANEL-WIN_10.1.1\dist-msi-Microsoft-2003-i386\plesk.msi' with error 1603
Error: Action sequence 'upgrade: upgrading Parallels Panel core components...' of package 'plesk' has been failed with code 1603
Not all packages were installed.
Please, contact product technical support.