Regular Pleskian
- Server operating system version
- Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
- Plesk version and microupdate number
- Version 18.0.55 Update #2
My server was having no downtime issue for weeks, now on this days every morning at 6:35 I get the alert of swap usage threshold has been exceeded.

Looking at the Plesk Monitor I see an increase of the RAM use at 00:00

Seems this intense use persist until the downtime at the morning happen then the usage seems return to normal.

Disk usage:

Do you have any idea on how can understand what is wrong and how to avoid this downtime?
free -h

Thank you

Looking at the Plesk Monitor I see an increase of the RAM use at 00:00

Seems this intense use persist until the downtime at the morning happen then the usage seems return to normal.

Disk usage:

free -h

Thank you