• Hi, Pleskians! We are running a UX testing of our upcoming product intended for server management and monitoring.
    We would like to invite you to have a call with us and have some fun checking our prototype. The agenda is pretty simple - we bring new design and some scenarios that you need to walk through and succeed. We will be watching and taking insights for further development of the design.
    If you would like to participate, please use this link to book a meeting. We will sent the link to the clickable prototype at the meeting.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.
  • The ImunifyAV extension is now deprecated and no longer available for installation.
    Existing ImunifyAV installations will continue operating for three months, and after that will automatically be replaced with the new Imunify extension. We recommend that you manually replace any existing ImunifyAV installations with Imunify at your earliest convenience.


  1. Mario Chamorro

    Input Webmail 502 Bad Gateway

    I installed a new server with Ubuntu 24.04 and migrated my Plesk installation from the old Ubuntu 22.04 VM to the new 24.04 VM. Everything was fine except for the web service. The domain sites did not load and returned 502 Bad Gateway. I resolved that by disabling Nginx Apache2 proxy service...
  2. I

    Question ¿debian 10 o 11 o 12?

    doubt about updating these three options in my plesk - Apache 2.4.58 (updated) à Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server Project - PHP 8.3.0 or 8.2.13 or 8.1.26 (updated) à PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor - OpenSSL 3.2.0 or 3.1.4 (updated) à /index.html ----- I have a debian 10 and I don't know how to...
  3. T

    Resolved Problem with certificates after Migration from Debian 9 to Debian 11

    Hello there. We migrated our plesk system from our old Debian 9 machine to a new Debian 11 machine. While the migration went smoothly overall, we are now encountering a few issues and I am not sure if Plesk itself, apache or something else is the reason for this. The behaviour is as follows...
  4. T

    Issue plesk-php74 FastCGI Process Manager failed to start

    Hello, I have a debian 10, I can not access plesk anymore on /ip.adress:8443 (404 Not found) and websites related to the webserver are showing 502 badgateway. Apache2 doesn't work. I did not do any suspicious operations that may lead to this state so I need some help to understand what's going...
  5. LTUser

    Issue All Domains Apache2/Error 500

    Files (.pdf, .ico ...) can be loaded, only index.php and so on cannot be loaded / displayed. error.log: Who can give me some tips / help?
  6. T

    Issue Pesk interface on port 8443 does not work (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) after nginx purge and reinstall

    Hello, After executing this command "sudo apt-get remove nginx* --purge", plesk interface does not work anymore on my ip address on port 8443. I saw in the terminal during the execution of "sudo apt-get remove nginx* --purge" that it was removing alot of components related to plesk itself...
  7. S

    Resolved MPM Event.conf File Path Plesk Centos

    Hello, i have under Tools & Settings - Apache Web Server Settings MPM Mode Event defined. When i check under /etc/httpd/conf.d i just find mpm_prefork.conf . I would like to adapt Server Limits / Start Servers etc. Can someone please tell me, where to find Eevent Conf in Plesk Obsidian on...
  8. N

    Issue Cant start apache on server

    When i try to start apache o recreact config files i get. Unable to start service: Unable to manage service by apache_control_adapter: ('start', 'web'). Error: INFO: [Mon Oct 21 09:39:44 -03 2019]: Service: apache2, Action: start Trying to start service apache2... failed Oct 21 09:39:44...
  9. V

    Resolved Only some requests receiving 502 Bad Gateway

    Issue Some users are getting a 502 error and the error does not go away with a refresh of the page. Once that error pops-up any page requested on the domain throws the same 502 error. There is no specific website or domain from the ones configured on the server where this error is being faced it...
  10. U

    Issue Installing gitweb on Plesk

    I have a git server running on a LInux VPS (Ubuntu 14.04) with Plesk 12.5.30. To access the git repos I do git clone git@<server>:/myrepo.git This requires an SSH public key to the server. I would like to install gitweb so I can clone using the http protocol. git clone...
  11. H

    Issue Apache 100% CPU each week

    Hello, I've a plesk 17.5.3 on a centos 6.9, with apache/2.2.15 It basically runs a single domain, that use 15Gb and have a traffic of 150Gb/month. It is 2 month from now that on sunday at 3:50 one apache process takes 99% of CPU. The server runs almost two year with no problem. No crontab runs...
  12. D

    Issue Apache2+PHP5-FPM

    From time to time the site will get very very slow to load, from 350ms to almost 10seconds and in the logs will see something like: [Fri Sep 29 13:29:11.019399 2017] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 8307:tid 140556948657920] (104)Connection reset by peer: [client] AH01075: Error...
  13. D

    Resolved Increase Apache2 MaxClients

    Hi, i have some Problems, that my Monitoring shows low Idle workers. This somehow, as for what I understood could be Problem of "MaxClients" worker - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2 Therefore and even (because sometimes Apache2 wont start after Update (Sigte... shutting down) i want to try...
  14. D

    Issue shutdown sigterm after Plesk Updates every Morning

    Hi, I'm facing an Issue which come along every few Weeks and than this happens 3-4 Days every morning. After Plesk Update (here at about 6 o Clock in the morning) i only can find "shutdown sigterm Apache" .... Errors and then apache is down and wont restart. System: Plesk Onyx 17.5...
  15. O

    Question Cronjob Plesk Apache Restart ?

    Hello Guys , i have a little question for example i would like to restart the Apache 2 Webserver of plesk every 4 Days at 12:00 at night . How i can make it ? I have a : - Ubuntu System 14.04 LTS - Ican restart my webserver with /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Crontab -e look actually bellow ...
  16. TimoViBritannia

    Issue Apache, Bind9, Plesk Premium Antivirus not starting at boot

    Hi their, When I restart my ubuntu 14.04 server with plesk 17.0.17. Apache2, Bind9 and Plesk Premium Antivirus are not started automatically so I have to start them using ssh which is kind of really annoying. I wanted to ask if someone can help me to fix this problem. Thanks in advance, Timo
  17. curiosul

    Resolved Plesk + Cloudflare - Get visitors real IP without extension

    I have a server with Plesk panel installed on him and a website which reach that server through Cloudflare! Content is served by Apache and OS is Ubuntu 14. The problem is that all logs contain Cloudflare IP address! The solution proposed by Cloudflare guys is to install ServerShield by...
  18. Phobos_Gekko

    Weird error condition upon changing hostname

    Upon changing my server's hostname and then restarting the server (via Plesk and not the host's VPS control panel), all the services start up okay including Apache and Plesk itself, I then get the following errors present in the screenshots attached when visiting the relevant domains. It's a...
  19. stevang

    server shield - mod_cloudflare, outdated ip ranges in the config file

    the ip ranges in /etc/apache2/mods-available/cloudflare.conf are not up2date, as seen in https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4 so when my mod_cloudflare gets updated, i lose my corrected cloudflare.conf and it has the outdated cloudflare ip ranges again. so, does plesk change or save the config...
  20. I

    Apache2 Crashes everyday at 7am

    Hello For some reason Apache2 crashes everyday around 7am [Tue Oct 20 07:01:43.033135 2015] [core:notice] [pid 18913] AH00060: seg fault or similar nasty error detected in the parent process [Wed Oct 21 06:57:37.975684 2015] [core:notice] [pid 31859] AH00060: seg fault or similar nasty error...