There is no such official position. These are two server programs for mail management. Dovecot is the newer one and for that reason preferred by many users.can you tell me the 'official' Plesk position on Courier IMAP/POP3/SMTP service.
I really don't know how to put it differently, but you are simply using the wrong SSL/hostname pairing or wrong access credentials on your devices. Please, give this more consideration. It does not help to keep searching for wild reasons because you do not like an answer. If Dovecot or Courier didn't work, then milllions of other users would experience the same. If there were any basic issues with SSL or mail retrieval on servers, then millions of other users woudl experience the same. But that is not the case. Very simple: Wrong configuration on your device.I'm wondering if moving back to Courier will fix the problem?
What should the benefit be?-- Would it be better to remove/reinstall Dovecot?
No.-- Is this 'cleaner' when done in Command Line?
Let me Google that for you, e.g.-- Is there a way to check if ports are blocked?

All the Ways to Check If a Port is Open in Linux
Learn all the ways to check if a port is open in Linux and when you would use the various methods and techniques!