• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

FC4 Plesk 8 And would like php 5.1.4



I'm pretty new to plesk so i dont know what will and what wont break it!

I am currently running 5.0.4-10.5 on Fedora Core 4 with plesk 8.

I would like to be running 5.1.6-1.rhel4.

Will this break Plesk?

If anyone can provide any help i would really appreciate it. Thank you.
You dont want to mix distribution rpms on that platform, presumably you're using that from my archive? Ive got native rhfc4 php 5.1 rpms in the atomic-bleeding channel.
I wouldn't know about that sort of thing!

My server is one pre-supplied by a hosting firm. I manage it though. Never used plesk before but need it now for clients and the like to use.

I have no idea where php has been gleaned from i'm afraid.
I too need php 5.1.4

I have the same problem, I have fc4 and Plesk 8.0.1. I currently have php 5.0.4 and I need to update to php 5.1.4. I actually got php5.1.4 through yum and it installed, but in some obitrary location and when I do a phpinfo(); it says I'm still on 5.0.4. I need to upgrade because on php packages, such as the GeSHi Syntax Highlighter and several jpeg creation php scripts I'll access the website, but php and apache fail or something cause it returns a comletely blank screen.

I think upgrading to php 5.1.4 would fix this bug, but I can't figure out how without royaly screwing up my Plesk. What can I do?
I dont think there is any way round it

I have another server running php 5.1.4 with plesk on it. The plesk version is 7.5. I presume i have plesk 7.5 on it because it is compatible with that version of PHP and 8.0 isn't.

I cant find any info on the swsoft site about what software is compatible with what version of plesk.
Having the same here.
I have FC4 and Plesk 8.0.1 running PHP 5.0.4 and want to upgrade to PHP 5.1.x

Wouldn't it be possible to use the FC5 PHP RPM's?

By the way, as far as I know changing the php version won't break your Plesk CP as Plesk itself uses it's own apache and php.
The only thing you an break is that your PHP websites won't work.
I wouldn't recommend it, given the large number of library updates in FC5 it probably wont work, besides Ive got native FC4 php packages (5.1.6) for in my archive.
Awesome, how would I go about updating my 5.0.4 to 5.1.6 for FC4 using your archive?
Here comes a very newbie questions:

How do I go about adding your atomic-bleed channel?
i tried to follow your instructions on that page, but I guess I am a total newbie also... here is what I did:

[root@fc4194116 tmp]# wget http://www.atomicrocketturtle.com/RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt

(and then let that command do its thing)

[root@fc4194116 tmp]# rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY.art.txt

(and then let that command do its thing)

[root@fc4194116 tmp]# vi /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources

and then added the following to the above file...

and then now what? the page seems to have left me hanging and I don't know what to do from this point.
You'd use up2date like normal to upgrade the box. I only have 5.0 packages for RHEL3 though, 5.1 is only available for RHEL4, and FC3+.
I just updated to 5.1.6 successfully :)

I was wondering if you are also going to make a php-imagick package?
Last time I checked the php imagemagick modules were not maintained any more. That was a few years ago, so maybe someone started maintaining it again.

The GD library that comes with php internally now implements all the same functions as imagemagick.
Yes, the last release on http://pecl.php.net/package/imagick is from 2004-06-28 but none the less I would like to have it working with 5.1.6.
I had and 0.9.11 RPM of that package that worked on PHP 5.0.4 but it does not seems to work with 5.1.6.

Is there some other way to do this? probably only to download the PHP 5.1.6 source and compile it together with that package instead of using RPM's?
Alright, I feel somewhat dumb still. I've followed all the steps so far listed on this forums, but how do I tell yum / up2date to update my PHP5.0.4 to 5.1.6?
JustinCarmony, first do 'yum check-update' and see if PHP 5.1.6 is mentioned in the list.
If so, you type 'yum update php*'
If not, you have to recheck your repository settings.
Ronaldve, Did you do your update from 5.0.4

Ronaldve did you do your update from php 5.0.4 on FC4 running plesk 8.0?