Thanks for your additional info on subject.Nevertheless, vBulletin + Redis seems to be something for the future.
In conclusion, try to get the php memcache module working first.....
PHP child process management (PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN) should always be disabled with mod_fcgid, which will only route one request at a time to application processes it has spawned; thus, any child processes created by PHP will not be used effectively. (Additionally, the PHP child processes may not be terminated properly.) By default, and with the environment variable setting PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=0, PHP child process management is disabled.
The popular APC opcode cache for PHP cannot share a cache between PHP FastCGI processes unless PHP manages the child processes. Thus, the effectiveness of the cache is limited with mod_fcgid; concurrent PHP requests will use different opcode caches.
Error: Package: plesk-php56-devel-5.6.14-centos7.15102115.x86_64 (plesk-php-5.6)
Requires: plesk-php56 = 5.6.14-centos7.15102115
Installed: plesk-php56-5.6.15-centos7.15111714.x86_64 (@PHP_5_6_15-dist)
plesk-php56 = 5.6.15-centos7.15111714
Available: plesk-php56-5.6.14-centos7.15102115.x86_64 (plesk-php-5.6)
plesk-php56 = 5.6.14-centos7.15102115
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
Just wait MU#14 a little bitIt would be really nice to have a fast addition of the PHP 7 stable build
Just wait MU#14 a little bit