In theory and often in practice too, the error notifications with respect to plesk key update deferral are temporary of nature, in the sense that the Plesk instance will retry.
In general, one can disregard the error notifications given the facts that
- the key will be updated within 24 hours: if this is NOT the case, one will get a second error notification and manual retrieval (read: updating) of the key is required,
- in (almost) all circumstances, an "old" Plesk key will not break the system or deny any functionality.
In short, there is or should be no need to do a manual (key) update.
However, there is
one exception: the case in which Plesk keys are (directly or indirectly) obtained via the hosting providers and/or external parties.
In the latter case, Plesk key updates can become problematic if the supplier of the license key does not update in a proper or timely fashion.
The above also implies that issues related to Plesk key update deferrals are not often related to Plesk itself, but more often related to external parties.
Hope the above explains a bit.......