Hi @sebgonzes.
You can test SNI for mail this way:
1. issue a Let's Encrypt non-wildcard certificate for the domain
2. assign this certificate to mail on this domain
3. specify the domain (without mail. prefix) in your mail client's connection settings
Also, the current implementation of SNI for mail actually doesn't work for the case "wildcard certificate + mail.<domain> in a mail client's connection settings", it's limitation of Postfix and the way how Plesk configures it (in other words, it's quite complex problem). We're already working on this issue.
Any news on the new health monitor?
If you are on release 1 will that be in a different release?
There is a weird bug when using Plesk migrator. See the video below. It looks like a css issue...
Screen Recording 2019-06-11 at 12.04.49 PM.mov
I cannot get this UX as advertised in my installation. Is there something that I should setup or it has not come yet?
Hi @yellowdino,
This is mockups on the picture, but we are implementing the mentioned design right now It is important to say that we plan to deliver it softly and by parts. It will help us not break the current UX workflow and better understand what is really needs to our customers. Also, it will be possible to keep the old design for Websites&Domains, if the new one doesn't fit your needs.
I added the Servers to Common Allow Zone Transfer ACL and change the DNS Zone Template NS values as i would have them for Plesk 17.x
Unfortunatly for some Domain the SOA time only 2 of 3 server are informed over the changes.
Currently I have no clue what could be source or error.
Hello Everybody,
Can Someone explain me, how i can use different SSL certificates for Mail clients now with SNI?
In Server Settings, i set the Default Mail Certificate to server.domain.tld (Lets Encrypted).
After this i Go to Mail Setting of another Domain and Set there a Wildcard SSL Certificate for Mail and Webmail Connection (*.second.tld).
If i now Setup the Mail Client (Outlook) and zake IMAP/POP3 Adress Like "mailsrv.second.tld" i get an Error from Outlook because the target SSL Name ist wrong. Get showed then the SSL Certificat from my main fomain (Server.domain.tld). So what did i do wrong?
You don't have to use wildcard SSL, and just use "second.tld" in your imap/pop3 for now, but still don't working fine.
Hi @yellowdino,
This is mockups on the picture, but we are implementing the mentioned design right now It is important to say that we plan to deliver it softly and by parts. It will help us not break the current UX workflow and better understand what is really needs to our customers. Also, it will be possible to keep the old design for Websites&Domains, if the new one doesn't fit your needs.
Personally, I suggest this new UX would be better a 3rd option list (view) with the previous ones, example:
(Current) Active List (Used for better view of 2-5 domains or subdomains)
(Current) Classic List (Used for better view of +10 domains or subdomains)
(New) Compact List (Used for more detailed view all in one place)
Obsidian support MariaDB 10.3, I was going to upgrade but I saw that 10.4 is in GA it doesn't look like any major changes since 10.3. Do you think it would be okay to upgrade to 10.4?