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  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

plesk 12.5.30

  1. I

    Multiple php versions, How to install php 5.3.27 on plesk 12.5.30?

    Hi guys, I installed some older versions of php using plesk upgrade, and all is working fine. I have an older version of oscommerce website on my server using php 5.3.27, when I had plesk 11.x it was working. After the upgrade of the OS to CentOS 7 and Plesk to 12.5.30, the oscommerce...
  2. S

    Error with Plesk 12.5.30 Update 25

    Hello Plesk team, when I try to install today's update via Plesk Installer, the following error appears: "The Yum utility failed to install the required packages." Via Command Line, the output reads as follows: "(7/9): base/7/x86_64/primary_db | 5.3 MB 00:00:00 (8/9)...
  3. OSG

    ERR [panel] Requested URL: /smb/smb

    Hi, After upgrade from 12.0.18 to 12.5.30, I got this error on first request on admin plesk page to "Tools and settings" menu. [root@XxXxX logs]# tail -f panel.log [2016-01-03 18:27:43] ERR [panel] Requested URL: /smb/smb [2016-01-03 18:27:43] ERR [panel] Une URL incorrecte a été...
  4. F

    mariaDB on Plesk 12.5.30 - plesk-core-12.5.30- has missing requires of mysql-conector-odbc

    Hei there. I installed mariaDB 10.1 on our CentOS 6.7 Server that runs a Plesk 12.5.30 (12.5.30 CentOS 6 1205150826.19). After some trouble it seems to be running fine now, but when I do a yum check it returns after several minutes the following: plesk-core-12.5.30-cos6.build1205150826.19.x86_64...
  5. A

    Mod_deflate not found

    Hi, I was testing my website on the Google PageSpeed Insights website. It gave a result that I have to enable compression. I found some tutorials for enabling mod_deflate with Apache2. First I added the necessary lines in the .htaccess. And immediately I had a problem with following the...
  6. D

    Can't use mail server after update to Plesk 12.5.30

    Hi, I've the problem that I can't use my mail server. Every time when I will send a message I got the error: SMTP Fehler: [451] 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later And I can't receive any mails. I read several threads about this problem but nothing helps me. And I am not able to send...
  7. N

    plesk 12.5.3 Firewall rule

    I am having and issue that when ever I add a custom rule to the firewall such as a rule allow ip xx.xxx.xxx.xxx that when i preview the code there is a deny tcp anywhere , anywhere injected under the rule. This happens to every custom rule i add. I can confirm this in the firewall-active.sh...
  8. A

    Error - Plesk 12.5.30 pls help me

    Hello i'm newbie i just installed Plesk , but when i want to login it redirect me to an error page i have read this solution http://kb.odin.com/en/119923 , but i don't have The Mysql Password for editing database
  9. P

    fail2ban restarts frequently after plesk 12.5.30 update on ubuntu 12.04

    I was happily running a vServer with plesk on ubuntu 12.04 LTS. 2 days ago I upgraded plesk from 12.0 to 12.5.30. Since then I see frequent restarts of the fail2ban service (around every other 4 hours) /var/log/fail2ban.log shows errors from iptables like: ERROR iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -j...
  10. O

    Unable to ban domains

    Hi, I just tried to ban a few domains (admin panel -> domains), but got the following error in the panel: Internal error. ERROR: Zend_Controller_Exception: Zugriff verweigert.#0 /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/CommonPanel/Controller/Action/Abstract.php(261)...
  11. O

    Plesk 12.5 with MariaDB 10

    Hi, last weekend I upgraded one of my servers from Plesk 12 to 12.5 and encountered a problem afterwards. OS: CentOS 7.1.1503 x86_64 Plesk: 12.5.30 MU3 MySQL: MariaDB 10.0.21 (official MariaDB repo for CentOS 7) Problem: MariaDB installed from the official MariaDB repo is not using a...
  12. B

    Error while installing Plesk 12.5.30 for my first ever time (Pulling my hair out!)

    Hi All, As a newbie installing plesk for the very first time ever, I am somewhat pulling my hair out! After re-formatting my entire server assuming its something i have done wrong and loosing all the data due to plesk explaining you must format the server as appose to uninstalling! Anyhow...
  13. R

    Bug deleting email users on Plesk 12.5.30

    Hi, if i want to delete an email-address i get this error: mail_responders_control failed: nothing more. no details, nothing. i tried to insert an autoresponder... same error. any ideas? thank you