Sorry for not responding earlier, the problem has recently been raised to my attention and it took sometime to find its roots. First of all I have to apologize for this unfortunate case and all the inconvenience caused. The issue is a little complicated so let me explain:
1. We didn't mean to force all of you to purchase any additional key or something like that. The issue is basically a very unfortunate coincidence and miscommunication which I will explain below.
2. CBM is made free for Plesk Unlimited Hosting Suite key only. That's what is meant in Plesk Autoinstaller and the text will be fixed to reflect it better - other keys have no CBM included.
3. Versions prior to 10.2 had a bug letting to utilize CBM even if it is not included in the key. CBM 10.2 got it fixed. It is not a change of pricing policies or anything - those are completely defined by license key content, not by software. If you open its source you'll see that "mb_accounts" property is zero (no CBM allowed).
So though it wasn't intended, CBM was enabled for your keys too and thus got in use.
We see the problem now and our business department works on the solution. The details will be communicated a little later.
Until the solution is provided there may be the following options for you:
1) if you don't need to do anything in CBM for next few days, the easiest way would be to leave it as is. Your hosting features of Plesk will function independetly and soon the suggested solution will be communicated.
2) if you need to perform any operation in CBM, please download a
trial unlimited key from parallels.com. It will make CBM enabled temporarily for next 14 days. You will have permanent solution by that time.
3) if you choose to leave CBM immediately, you can eliminate its integration with Plesk. See the recipe here -
Hope the explanation is not overdetailed, but we wanted to make the issue clear.
Thank you and hope to see you all among CBM users when the permanent solution is provided.