@bootted and especially
This statement
I don’t think there’s a 100% equivalent alternative to Plesk.
is about right, but not entirely.
In fact, the most cost effective solution and hence alternative is to (re-)create your own hosting solution with Apache, Nginx, some necessary services and scripts and a GUI for the hosting customers.
Cost effective (and very performant), but not very practical in real life.
The best thing about Plesk is that it is really easy.
This comes at a price, but also with a gain - the gain of not having to maintain all of the packages that you need to install and/or the maintenance of the GUI.
For some sysadmins, there is also the gain of having (a lot of) flexibility, without being bound to the default packages and config provided with Plesk.
In essence, the gain seems to be immaterial by nature, but it is actually also material.
Every day, every Plesk admin saves time by simply using Plesk ....... this is a considerable amount of savings on personnel costs.
One Plesk license per YEAR of - let's say - 1000 euro is the equivalent of one IT staff member working for only 1 or 2 DAYS.
That is a considerable material gain......... and finance matters.
Sure, there are (not so similar) alternatives to Plesk out there.
Nevertheless, the material gain is often not as considerable as it will be with Plesk.
There are two simple reasons for that.
One reason is quite simple - one has to invest time and hence a lot of money into migration to a new panel that might not be so compatible.
The second reason is less straightforward - the hidden higher costs of more maintenance that were not mentioned when they marketed a lower license fee.
Another (third) reason is also present - the best alternatives to Plesk tend to be bought by investors wanting to enter the market or investors already present in the market : in both cases, the investors attempt to consolidate the market ..... and you will probably end up paying Plesk prices.
In general, the cost of a good alternative to Plesk is AT LEAST the price of migration ..... and often much more than that.
I hate to say it, but history has learned us that "alternatives" are a temporary solution, for many reasons.
Needless to say that many people have migrated to other panels, in order to return to Plesk briefly afterwards.
In my humble opinion, it should not be about "migration to other panels" or about "massive price increases".
It should be - amongst others - about how one implements Plesk in a specific infrastructure.
With the right infrastructure, a lot of monetary gains can be realized that can offset the price increases, whilst at the same time increasing performance.
Naturally, IF there is a valid alternative to Plesk, then please let me know - I tend to test these alternatives, just for the sake of fun.
Kind regards.....